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    "Do I have motion of reconsideration?" Buckley told all the old man's with bald spots, others with no hair at all, or some with one of the most messed up hairlines. He was literally kissing their ass. 

    "I'm sorry coach, but unless there is a motion from a board member and a second, the decision must stand." Buckley told coach.

    "Then you leave us no choice but to bring out our attorney."

    In walked Coach Bombay. I have to admit, I was impressed that he had another job not involving hockey. He was a lawyer in fact. Who knew!

    "Dean Buckley, members of the board. As counsel for Coach Orion and the freshman hockey team, I am here today to set forth your legal options, so that you may make the best possible decisions for all parties concerned." Bombay spoke.

    "Mr.Bombay this isn't a legal proceeding." Buckley said, clearly annoyed and confused.

    "Not yet, but I will assure you that it will be! Do you mind?" He gave Buckley his case and pulled out the scholarships.

    "These scholarships, an offer, became a binding contract upon the signatures of the recipients and acceptance by the Ducks. They cannot be voided except for cause which, I guarantee you, you have none. Should you decide to pursue their cancellation, I will slap you with an injunction. I will tie this matter up in court for years. Until long after these kids have gone on to college. And I will collect damages and I will win. Because I am very, very good. You wanna know why I'm so good? Because I had good education. You gave it to me.

    "And you're gonna give it to these kids." Coach Bombay explained. He was using big words I bet I can't even say myself. I could probably if I put effort to school but not happening. I am smart. I just decided to not use it in like a few business months. Or more like a few business years.

    "Now, some of you may be snobbish enough to believe tha, these Ducks don't belong at Eden Hall. Let me tell you, you are dead wrong. These are remarkable young people. You give them their full shot and I promise you they will succeed. Not only on ice but on the classrooms as well." He stopped for a bit to look at me. I shrugged my shoulders.

    He knows I don't like school, but he always told me deep down he knew I had it in me. That if I put my bad girl act away, I could possibly get into the best colleges.

    "These people are my friends and I know they can do it. Accordingly, I demand you reinstate their scholarships for their benefit and for your own." He finished.

    "I move that the scholarships be reinstated." One of the board members say.

    "Is there a second?" Buckley told the board members. They mumbled and began to raise their hands. All of them did. "Scholarships Reinstated." The Ducks cheered. The meeting is over and everyone in the room started leaving.

    "We did it." I turned around to the team. "Now, I needa take care of business." I was starting to walk towards varsity, that was until the team pulled me back.

    "Fighting won't solve anything!" Kenny told me.

    "Plus, we just got our scholarships back..." Russ said.

    "Maybe you could get them back another time, instead of today?" Averman suggested.

    "You'll help me?" I asked. He chuckled and nodded. "Fine." I huffed.

    "I swear you a train. Always huffing and stuff," Goldie said and I rolled my eyes. I was about to respond, when I was cut off by someone talking behind me.

    "Congratulations on destroying our school." Riley said behind me. I turned around and sure enough, mama pig and her piglets were right there.

    "Congratulations on bein' a little bi-". Dwayne put his hands on my mouth before I said that I'll regret. I wouldn't regret it though, I'd enjoy it.

    "It's our school too, you stupid jock." Fulton mentions.

    "No, it will never be your school. Don't you get that? You're our own little affirmative action, brought in for color to entertain us. But you couldn't even do that. Your fancy lawyer kept you in on a technically, but you'll never belong, you'll never be anything anymore than a bunch of rejects here on a free ride." Spat Riley.

    "Free ride? Look at you rich boy! Mommy and daddy gave you everything huh?" Russ said. 

    "What ya talking bout? Free ride my ass. Yo dad must of sucked some old man ass to get ya where ya are now."

    "What about you huh? Heard who your precious little daddy and mommy is! You are just like us, but just hanging around with a bunch of losers. Also, heard your daddy came to Eden Hall too, huh? Santiago Amorá. Yeah, I know who he was. Even your grandpa came here too. Never ended up making the big league, now did he?" Riley taunted.

    "Shouldn't be talking. Mi abuelo didn't make the big league 'cause he let yo abuelo, have his place. Yo abuelo was the one struggling and needed it more. Why ya think ya here now? Braggin' bout the cool stuff ya have?" I was bouta go New Yorkian on his ass before Guy placed his hand on shoulder, pulling me close to him. I calmed down. 

    Riley began to speak again. "JV/Varsity game on Friday. Then we'll show the whole school what a joke you really are. Oh, and Amorá, I'm ready to take you down." I rolled my eyes at the mother pig.

    "Listen, you guys had an unfair advantage last time. You had one of us, Banksie." Charlie spoke. 

    "Keep him. He never had the heart of a Warrior anyway." 

    "Hey one more thing. After we beat you, the Warriors die and the Ducks fly!" Russ said.

    "Hey, anything you say, loser." Riley began to walk away with varsity.

    "Good move, Russ. Aruna, I said you can tell them off another time." Averman looked at Russ and I. We shrugged our shoulders at him.

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