Season 2: Labyrinth Runners

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[A little flashback of Gus's past occurs. After Gus skips forward two grades, he puts together a project with his new "friend" but becomes distraught when he learns his "friend" was having him do all the work so that he could get a good grade. He runs to an empty classroom, where he unwillingly projects a large-scale illusion in which his fake friend and another student taunt him. It's interrupted by a talking abomination, and Gus then meets the girl controlling it. She shows him a breathing exercise her dads taught her, and Gus calms down, making the illusion disappear. The girl introduces herself as Willow, and Gus introduces himself in turn. The two soon become best friends.]

[Cut to the present. Outside the principal's office, Mattholomule walks out, having joined the illusion track, and walks off proudly. The Blight twins also come out, Edric having joined the beast-keeping and potions tracks, and Emira, the healing track. Edric proudly presents his new colors to Emira as they high-five each other and walk off. Cut to inside the principal's office. Principal Bump is rummaging through folders in a drawer, and the illusion teacher looks back proudly.]

Illusion Teacher: It's nice to see the kids embracing multitracks. I remember giving up everything for illusions. [Looks dejectedly at the illusion coven sigil on her wrist as she hands a folder to Bump.]

Principal Bump: To be honest, I thought this would be more trouble than it's worth. But I haven't seen students this enthusiastic, ever.

[A hooded person suddenly walks inside, catching the illusion teacher and Bump's attention.]

Hooded person: Well... trouble... might be closer than you think. [Shows a medallion with the brand on it.]

[Cut to the cafeteria. Amity shows Willow and Gus the messages from Luz on her game device.]

Amity: These are the last messages I got from Luz. [Cut to a view of the trio, looking worried.] She must've typed them quickly, because all I could decipher was, "Learned a lot of bad stuff," something, something, "," something, something and, "Don't scare him away"? I don't know what any of it means. 

Gus: What about all those hearts? [Amity quickly blushes.]

Amity: Oh. [Chuckles.] Those are for me.

Willow: I went by and checked out the Owl House. It was crawling with Coven Scouts. I was thinking of capturing one for information, but...

Amity: It's okay, Willow. They're tough. Not everyone can stand up to them.

Willow: [Squints suspiciously.] But I didn't want to bring any more attention to Luz and Eda.

Amity: Oh! [Awkwardly.] Of course, yes. Smart move.

[From somewhere, the bell screams and rings. Amity picks up her food tray and walks off with a decent expression on her face, as Willow follows her with a dejected expression.]

Gus: [To Willow.] Hey. You should say something.

Willow: I'm fine. We just started hanging out again, and, she needs time to get to know the new me.

Gus: You mean the real you. [Winks at Willow.]

Willow: Mm-hmm. [She winks back and walks off.]

[As Willow walks off with Amity, Gus has just scooped up his lunch when he hears rattling from the trash bin. He turns around to look at it, and out comes Flapjack with a half-eaten sandwich on his beak and chirps.]

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