Chapter 5 - All Good (Until It's Not)

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CW: mentions of blood and death





"What's going on?"

You were still feeling woozy from last night, when Astarion drank his fill from you. You weren't prepared to deescalate a situation just yet. Hells, you haven't eaten your share of breakfast.

Your companions were surrounding Astarion in front of his tent, looking like they were demanding answers from the vampire.

Astarion's posture screams relief when you approach the commotion before him.

"There you are!" Astarion exclaims, extending both arms in your direction as if he was presenting you to your companions. "If you aren't going to listen to me, listen to our leader."

"I'm going to ask again," you speak in confusion. "What's going on?"

Lae'zel eyes the fresh puncture wounds on your neck, her already fiery gaze at Astarion burns a brighter inferno. Her face is pulled into a vicious sneer, and it would do well for Astarion to heed her warning lest he wanted to end up as a pile of viscera.

"I have no qualms with having a vampire amongst us," Lae'zel speaks. "But, should I find a drop of blood on my neck, I will end him."

"If it isn't already obvious, darling, they are threatening me." Astarion dramatically answers with a hand drifting to his chest.

You see Shadowheart scoff in your peripheral as she stands with her arms impatiently crossed over her chest.

"Good," Lae'zel spits. "Then you are aware of the consequences should you see me as a meal."

"Thank the gods my blood tastes like bile," Gale mutters quietly among the verbal fighting.

You huff out a heavy sigh. It was too early in the morning for this. You pinched the bridge of your nose, desperately trying to search for some morsel of patience you have within your person.

"I'm sorry, but we're going to have to keep the vampire around whether you like it or not," You say with a steady voice, one that you hopes sounds like authority. "He's useful on the field and we can't change him for what he is, can we?"

Astarion grins at your other companions, an utterly smug expression on his pale face.

"Is that why you let him have a nibble?" Shadowheart raises a brow.

That struck a nerve somehow, even though Shadowheart's tone wasn't meant to goad you in any way. You clench your jaw in response, still searching for the patience you really wanted to have right now before you say something you regret.

"Either I give him some of my blood or he loses all of his whilst fighting sluggishly."

"Aw," Astarion coos. "How thoughtful."

You raise a palm in Astarion's direction, the crease between your brows increase in the process.

"Don't push it." You warn.

You turn back to your companions. "I'm looking out for him, just like I look out for all of you, alright? The method may be obscure, yes, but it's what he needs. And—" you sigh again, yet you stand straighter before you say your next words. "I trust him."

"I don't know how wise that decision is, but sure, I'll trust your word for it." Shadowheart replies.

"It would be nice if you all do as well," you say. "Astarion could've bled us dry in our sleep the first night we made camp, but he didn't. Think on it."

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