Chapter 8 - Brief Respite

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Karlach and Shadowheart turn to see a disgruntled Astarion trying to carry half of your weight as you walk limply beside him.

The cleric immediately reaches out a hand to you, already muttering the beginnings of a spell, but before she could even finish casting Cure Wounds, you stop her with a hand on her wrist.

"No." You weakly muttered.

"Why not? You're bleeding all over—"

"Just give me a potion," you instruct. "You need— We need all of our energy to fight the moment we find and free Halsin in this godsforsaken sanctum."

Shadowheart couldn't summon a retort upon your insistant tone. So, with concern etched over features, she pulls out a healing potion from her pack and hands it to you.

You down the sickly sweet liquid like a parched man, gulping down the potion in one swift motion. You hand Shadowheart back the bottle, to clean and reuse in case you could find ingredients for a healing potion along the journey.

Immediately, you feel the contents of the potion run through your veins, much like a warm hug. It eases the tense muscles on your back, stitching up your wounds from the rusty morning star. You feel your strength return from the warmth the potion gave you.

So, slowly but surely, you begin to separate yourself from Astarion's grasp.

Much to the vampire's dismay, the warmth he was just starting to get used to, was ripped away from him.

You shake your head, much like a dog shaking off dust from its fur, to clear your head while the after effects of the potion works on your body.

"You good to go, soldier?" Karlach asks and you give her a nod in response.

"Let's go find Halsin."


The rest of the sanctum is as dank as the corridor where you got Loviatar's blessing. You and Shadowheart take the lead traversing the hallways of the building, an occasional grimace on your faces when a particular waft of ancient skeletons assaults your nostrils.

Eventually, you end up in a secluded corner of the sanctum. With one large wooden door before you and seemingly with no guards around.


Has to be important, no?

You beckoned Astarion to lockpick the wooden door, and he does so with relative ease. He makes a show of it too, looking all smug and satisfied with himself once he hears that familar clicking sound of a successfully lockpicked door.

Astarion winks at you before walking back to his original spot, only a couple paces behind you. You're quick to roll your eyes before opening the wooden door.

Inside the room are two cell doors. One houses two Worgs, snarling and clawing at the bars of their enclosure. A goblin guard bangs at the metal bars, intimidating the poor creatures to shut up and cower in a corner.

The other cell door houses an angry, abused grizzly bear. Its fur is bloodied and scratched, but also weirdly scarred from healing. There are three goblin children who dare to throw rocks at the bear. It snarls and roars when a pebble hits its nose.

"Free me!" The bear exclaims in your mind. "Help me!"

You shake your head back to sanity. You think you're going mad.

A bear was fucking talking to you and you didn't even drink a potion of Animal Speaking.

What the fuck.

Oath of Vengeance || Astarion x Dark Urge!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now