.・゜゜・Chapter 5: Relationships. But Not The Kind Your Thinking・゜゜・.

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"Luffy" - talking

'Luffy' - Thinking

Luffy - More than one person talking/thinking or shouting/mad (May change this)

Luffy - Roger's spirit

{Luffy} - Voice of all things/ the world


。°。°。°。°。°A few days later 。°。°。°。°。°。

After Luffy told Shanks everything that night the two continued their days like previous. They could not do anything, at least not now, so why worry?

"here you go." Making said placing a transponder snail on the counter. "If I may ask, who are you going to be calling?" "Yassop's family more specifically his wife," Shanks replied entering the bar with a nervous Yassop behind him.

"A little birdie told me that she's sick and soon dies only leaving her son, Your Son, behind all alone." Emphasis on 'your son' was mostly directed to the father of said son.

"I see. Then I'll leave you to it." Making left leaving only Shanks, The nervous Yassop, and Luffy. "Go on now, surely you don't want to be the reason she does."

"Okay. But why is he here? Out of everyone, he should be the last." " I wanna talk to Ussop! But you have to go first so I'll wait. Shishishishi."

Taking a deep breath Yassop took the phone(?) and put in the numbers. "puru puru puru- what if it's the wrong number or they changed it!? -puru puru puru- don't wuss out. Aren't you a brave person?~"

"puru pur- ca-lick. Hello? Who is it?" There was a weak female voice on the phone who answered "It's me, Yassop how are you doing? You don't sound so well

There was the sound of an object breaking in the background, most likely glass or something fragile. "*gasp* Is that you Yassop? I've missed you. It's been so long, why haven't you called till now?

"Yes, yes it is. I was afraid you wouldn't talk to me ever since I left you and Ussop." "Don't be silly. Why wouldn't I want to talk to you again? You're doing something you love."

Taken aback by the sudden confession, Yassop grew silent and hid his face from the other two in the room. The other two with a smug yet knowing expression left the room giving the two some alone time.

"Banchina...*sniff* how's Ussop doing? Does he hate me?" "I know he doesn't. He respects you, he said so himself. He would always shout every day that pirates were here to help me hoping that each time you would come."

"how about this time I do show up? I can ask my captain if we can pass by. Plus a friend wants to talk to Ussop." The other side of the phone was silent, Banchina too shocked to say anything.

"Banchina? Is everything alright?" "ah no no it's just you shocked me is all. I would be delighted if you could visit us." The rest of the call was just them catching up and telling of their days.

。°。°。°。°。°With Luffy and Shanks。°。°。°。°。°

"So anchor, who taught you Haki? You're doing a great job of concealing your haki. You mentioned you had a teacher during the 2 year separation." "Oh, it was Rayleigh. He taught me all I know."

"You mean to say you know Rayleigh, first mate of Roger!?" "shi shi shi yup! that's the one." To say that Shanks was shocked is an understatement. Look a little closer at his unmoving body you can see his soul leaving him

"What am I even saying? *sighs* I should have expected as much but the same master?" If you thought Luffy's smile couldn't grow any larger then you were wrong. It did and it terrified Shanks even more.

"Well, my first mate was taught by Hawky and two of my nakama were taught by revolutionaries." Shanks was grateful that no one was nearby to see his state, his eyes bulging out of their sockets and lounge doing the same mouth wide open as his jaw touching the ground 'Shishishi he looks like Ussop whenever he panics'

As if the wind was alive, it blows against Shanks face first snapping him out of it "... You know what anchor? No more normal not normal things today k? If you tell me something like that again I don't think my brain can handle it let alone my heart."

Luffy hums in understanding "Where are you going this time?" "I can't tell you this time but we'll be back in a week or so," Shanks responded not needing any clarification on what he was asking. "you can't come as well. I know you are stronger than before cause of your whole situation but it's still a no."

The room was silent but not uncomfortable nor pleasurable. "I got it. I'll wait for you then. You gotta come back. We still have to go to Syrup Village and see Ussop and before you leave the East Blue for good there's one more place we gotta go to."

Shanks smiled gently ruffling Luffy's hair. "don't worry we will. We'll do all the things you want to do together."

They talked for an hour each telling stories from their adventures. "well Luffy I have to go and check up on Yassop and how the stocking on the ship is going. We leave during the afternoon if you wanna come see us off."

"Kay. See ya soon." and so Shanks left waving one last time at each other. Luffy wasn't sure what to do now. 'I could go and talk to the animals around here... Maybe I should find Ace and Sabo? No no that could be bad...'

Just as Luffy was aimlessly walking around thinking (unlike him), a familiar voice came. "hello there. Is now a good time to talk?" "Ah! Roger! Tell me."

During the aimless walking, Luffy found himself in a secluded part of the island luckily for him "Well it's safe to say that your two nakama made it successfully but it's still best to use your code when you meet."

Hearing this Luffy started jumping up and down grinning a grin showing all his teeth. "Shishishi that's awesome" "I thought you'd cry? Weren't you sad or afraid?" "Well I was but," Luffy stood still putting a heart to his chest and feeling the drums "I know they are strong so there's nothing to worry about. I believe in my nakama."

"I see... How foolish of me. How about we change the topic? Do you plan on meeting and helping your crew right now? Say the archaeologist or Skeleton?" "I'm not sure. Nami is absolutely something we can't interfere with until she asks for our help. Robin should be fine the way she is right even if it is not good for Brook... If we get him out of the triangle he won't have a place to go till I become a pirate but if he stays there he'll be lonely."

"So that's the situation hmm. So the only ones you can probably meet without changing much is most likely only Ussop huh?" "And he's the only one in the East Blue so that limits me to him"

"Why don't you try getting Shanks to carry you? he knows your situation." "...Alright! I've decided to think about this after I meet up with Zoro and Sanji. I want meat!" and on cue, all the animals surrounding them vanished not wanting to be dinner. "Eh don't hide from me meat!" luffy quickly stood up and started having his soon-to-be dinner leaving Roger alone.

Thanks for reading this chapter!
I hope I got the sound of the transponder snail right.
Bye and have a great day/night

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