.・゜゜・Chapter 6: Questions I Got Answers To・゜゜・.

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"Luffy" - talking

'Luffy' - Thinking

Luffy - One or more people shouting/mad

Luffy -  Roger's spirit

{Luffy} - Voice of all things/ the world


"Begin!" At the sound of the Master shouting Zoro didn't wait for a second and barged straight in. Throwing attacks that seem illogical but have a purpose.

'What is he doing? Does he think he can beat me with those kinds of attacks? Or does he have a plan? I should be careful around him.' Kuina thought as she blocked or parried each attack.

"Three sword style," Zoro mumbled catching Kuina off guard but quickly recovered putting distance between them.  "Three sword style? Don't be foolish just because you have nine swords. And what good does it serve you putting three of them in your mouth?"

"I'll show you! Just wait I'm gonna become the strongest swordsman in the world! Onigiri!" As Zoro finished he charged forward as fast as his body could hitting Kuina in the abdomen.

Kuina skids back knees bending slightly at the impact. "Ack. This ends now!" She quickly acted and hit Zoro with attacks making him drop his swords and fall back. "Winner Kuina!"

"Zoro," the master shortly started after "I've seen your strength and it is clear that you have a goal whose path is a steep, dangerous slope but for that, I will let you become a student of this dojo."

Everybody in the room stood in silence mind slowly processing what he just said. Zoro hose the first to react bowed in appreciation "Thank you, master." "You officially start tomorrow so go get ready and everybody else goes back to training." Scrambling everyone in the room did a bow. "YES MASTER."

             . . . . ╰──╮Zoro's  Pov╭──╯ . . . .

I quickly left the dojo and headed in a random direction. 'That wasn't as strong as I expected... But I guess that's to be expected since I'm in a younger smaller body' I stopped and looked at my hands.

'And my body is slightly numb. Can't fully move my fingers... Glad that my body somewhat remembers what it feels like or it would be more severe.' I sighed and went to sit underneath a nearby tree and got comfortable.

"Well, there's no point in thinking about it now. I'll just sleep for now. *Yawn* Maybe later I can see that old man and ask him about Wano..." 

    。°。°。°。°。° hours later。°。°。°。°。°。

"Hey hey wake up! Don't tell me you're dead." 'Huh, whose voice is that for?  Go away I'm trynna sleep here.' I turn my body away from the person, getting comfortable in another position.

"Well he's certainly not dead or dying for sure, I'll check on him another time" Soon after whoever that was said that it when quiet again and I continued sleeping for more hours.

*Bonk* *Hit* *Thwack* 

"!!! What was that for" I quickly sat up wasting no time and massaging where I was hit. I look up at my abuser and see the old man I was talking about earlier. 'speak of the devil and he shall appear, though he's rude about waking someone up'

"What are you doing here kid? Don't have a place to stay?" I scowl glaring at the unbothered old man. "What does it concern you huh!? you just attacked me in my sleep!" I shouted at him though it seemed it went in through one ear and out the other making me more annoyed 

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