We Lost Her......

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Later on I figured out the details, I won't go into them deeply but I'll scrape the surface so you all can understand.

The night Sarah didn't get on was the day she started to want to end it and plan it. She had been getting bullied in school, financial issues, mental and emotional neglect and a few more things.

One day she snapped and decided that on her birthday, she would take that leap and set herself free and she did.

I started to lose myself after as many would after grieving a loved one.

I started to cry myself to sleep every night and pushed my emotions aside. I started to play the 'I'm fine  everything's fine mask' as I called it then.

That's how four months and a half later after finding out she passed I was diagnosed with depression. 

I struggled to keep my life together and struggled to keep doing anything.

All I wanted to do was lay down and cry.

I started to blame myself after my mind filled with thoughts:

*I hate you, why'd you do this to me?*

*I loved you, why did you leave me?*

*Its my fault, you could have done something*

*I didn't help her, I failed her*

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