There's No Going Back.....

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I called my friend Riznu and told her what happened.

She looked shocked, and scared.

I started to burst out into tears as my first panic attack of multiple started that night.

She tried to comfort me.

I knew that the EMS would be here any minute

That they'd take me away

That they'd take me to the ER.

I waited and waited as I cried and cried.

"Were they all gonna think of me differently?"

"What's gonna happen?"

"Im gonna miss school, I'm gonna fall behind and fail"

"Should I lie to them?" 

"Should I run away right now?"

These thoughts swarmed my mind like angry bees.

I was scared, and broken.

That's when I heard a knock at the door. 

"Fuck" I whispered to myself.

The Night I Tried To LeaveWhere stories live. Discover now