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"I think of you, i want you too, id fall for you"

Yamamoto fuyuko - Japanese korean - 18

"If karma dosent hit them, then i will"

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"If karma dosent hit them, then i will"

Kim jongseob - korean - 18

Kim jongseob - korean - 18

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"Please dont hit them"


My family recently moved to korea so my mom could be closer to her family after spending 22 years in japan with the love of her life, my dad. My cousins invited me to go buy coffee while i was on my way home, they only texted me the address since they werent home yet, i tapped on the link and walked to the coffee shop. I was on my way when my phone died, I realized i forgot to charge it earlier, i was lost in a city which i wasn't familiar with, i had a dead phone, and i didnt even know if i was near the coffee shop or not. I started walking towards random stores hoping i would see my cousins, unfortunately i didnt see them. I was walking towards a different store when I accidentally bumped into a boy, he was handsome, pretty tall, and had dirty blonde hair.

"Oh, im so sorry i wasnt looking where i was going,uhm im sorry but could you help me find cafe moon?" I apologized and asked for directions

"Oh its fine, im actually heading to cafe moon right now, follow me" he said

I followed him and saw a small but cute coffee shop, the colors were light brown and white, they looked so cute together that i almost took my phone out to take a picture. The two of us walked in and i thanked him, since the cafe was small we only sat a few tables away from each other.

"What took you so long?" Sookyung asked

"My phone died so i got lost, is natsuo coming?" I replied

"Gimme your phone, i have a charger, no he said he needed to fix his room" soomin said

I gave him my phone while he pulled out a portable charger, i sat down after sookyung said he already ordered for the three of us.

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