Pretty boy

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"Even if my heart stops beating
Youre the only thing i need with me"

"Alright you guys get anything, but dont get too much, remember im not gonna spend more than $100 at a convenience store" he said before unlocking the doors

The three of us walked into the same aisle so we could get candy first, keeho left after getting 4 different candies, leaving me and seob alone

"Do any of your friends like these?" I showed him a box of candy

"Yea, they all like those" he replied

"Ahh, im soo cold" i shivered

"Here" he gave me his sweater

"Arent you cold?" I asked

"No, i have long sleeves on, im fine" he answered

I thanked him for letting me wear his sweater and I continued looking at candies, i grabbed some candies that soomin gave me the other day, it turns out that they were seobs favorite candies. 2 After getting candy i went to the chips, i took 3 different chip flavors and then went to the drinks, i didnt know what kind of drinks any of the guys liked so i picked randomly, i grabbed like 9 drinks knowing all 7 of us would immediately grab. My basket was full with candy and drinks, i hoped someone picked more chips or else we'll mostly have candy. I was waiting for the two so i started to look at random keychains, i separated them from the other things so i could buy them, i grabbed a new phone case while looking at the keychains, i dont know if convenience stores sold them but this one did, i grabbed a clear phone case and packs of stickers that looked cute, the two guys finished picking out the snacks once i grabbed the packs of stickers

"What did you get?" Keeho looked at my hand

"Imma get this phone case and these to decorate it" i replied

"The stickers look cute" seob spoke

"Here gimme the baskets imma go pay" keeho said while taking our baskets

After we left, keeho wanted to get some ice cream so we went to another store, this time only keeho went so I decorated my phone case, with a bit of help from seob, i put a polaroid of me and natsu, some cat stickers, some star and headphone stickers i had in my bag, and a random piece of paper that i had written on a couple years ago that said "music <3" i liked how the phone case looked, the colors all matched each other and the stickers made it look even cuter,  the piece of paper also matched with the headphone stickers i added, Seob also said it looked cute.

"Hey, fuyuko, you like any type of ice cream right? I forgot to ask earlier" keeho said while scratching his head

"Yea, i like all kinds of flavors" I answered

"Alright, lets go then" he started getting into the car

"Hey fuyuko, do you have insta? I wanna add you to our chat" keeho asked

"Yea, want me to put it in your phone?" I replied

"Mhm, here" he handed me his phone

"I wrote down my username and followed myself" i gave him his phone back

The rest of the ride was just us getting to know each other more, we started playing random songs as we got closer to seobs house, i grabbed two of the bags while seob started unlocking the door

"We're back, did you guys pick a movie?" Seob asked

"We picked two movies" intak stared at us

"Ok, fuyu, is it ok if i teach you another day? It looks like we're gonna be watching movies all day" he nervously laughed

"Yea, its fine" i smiled at him while putting chips into a bowl

Intak pressed play after we all got comfortable on the floor and couch. He put 20th century girl on, none of us watched it but it looked like a cute movie, while watching me and jiung started commenting on the movie

"Hyunjins kinda hot" i said

"We're not even 10 minutes into the movie and she's already in love" jiung chuckled

After a couple minutes i was talking again


"Fuyuko how do you find everything hot, he could just breathe and you'd find it attractive" theo questioned my sanity

Some more time passed

"Hes such a green flag, i want a boyfriend like him" i whined

"I cant even say anything cause youre actually right" jiung continued staring at the tv while his eyes started watering

Around 20 minutes passed before i started worrying about the movie

"Wait, no, pls i want her to end up with hyunjin, whys she getting to close with woonho" i started to get scared because i wanted hyunjin to end up with her

"Bro please, i want hyunjin and bora to end up together" jiung said while shaking me

30 minutes or more had passed and jiung and i started panicking


It was finally the end of the movie and all 7 of us were sobbing

"I HATE LIFE" i yelled

"I WANNA COMMIT" keeho screamed

"WHY WOULD THEY END IT LIKE THAT" all of us sobbed

It was already 8 and we had gone through some of the snacks so we decided to watch something else before i had to leave, intak put whisper of the heart on, i started fan girling with jiung after seeing seiji with shizuku, surprisingly, we finiahed the entire movie without talking, probably because the two of us were shaking each other and smiling for almost the entire. But sadly natsuo was texting me that i had to go home since it was getting late, i said goodbye to everyone before i left. A couple second after i left seob was by my side

"What happened?" I asked

"Nothing, it's dangerous to walk alone at night" he shrugged

"Your friends are fun" i smiled

"I could clearly tell, you and jiung looked like best friends when watching the movies" he chuckled

"He was really funny to be around" i laughed

"How did you like the movies?" He said

"Well 20th century girl was really sad but i liked it, and i kinda wanted bora and hyunjin to end up together, and i grew up watching whisper of the heart so ill always love it" i explained

"Wanna listen to music? You can pick" I asked

"Ok" he smiled

I gave him my phone and an earbud so he could pick the song, he chose try again by jaehyun and d.ear, the song ended once we got on the bus so i just gave him my phone so he could put more songs, i fell asleep after the third song, i faintly heard the music while i slept, it made my dream feel real. It was also nice to know that i was with seob so i didnt have to worry about anything else. After what felt like 3 seconds, seob woke me up saying we were at our stop

"Is your house far from here?" Seob asked

"No, its like 2 minutes away" i said

For those 2 minutes we just stayed quiet, but it wasn't awkward, we enjoyed each other's presence.

"Good night seob," i spoke

"Good night fuyu" he smiled and left

I entered my house to see ALL of my cousins and my brother waiting for me

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