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"How could my day be bad when im with you"

"SOOAH, WHERE ARE YOUU" i frantically looked for her

"Im here, why are you yelling" she came out of the bathroom

"So like, i was taking pics of seob and then i randomly zoned out thinking about his eyes, lips, and just everything about him" i said while closing her door

"Hmm, well this could be a crush or you were just admiring his beauty, i mean he is good looking" she held her chin

"Wait hes texting me" i opened my phone

"Sit here, lemme see" she pat a place next to her on her bed

Seob 😆

Seob 😆

Were you ok earlier?

Yeah why?

Seob 😆

Just checking

You zoned out for a while

Sorry i was just concentrating 😭

"Whyd you lie?" Sooah asked

"Well I panicked" i replied

Seob 😆

Seob 😆


Just tell me if anythings wrong

I'll always be free


Ty 😭

"Stop hes so nice" sooah shook me

Seob 😆

Seob 😆


I have a pic of you

Can i post it on insta?

Which one is it?

Seob 😆

Yes i loved that fit 🤩

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Yes i loved that fit 🤩

Seob 😆


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