Dark red

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"Only you darling, only you babe"

"OW, NATSUOO" i yelled


"But i dont wanna gooo" i whined

"TOO BAD NOW GET UP" he hit me with another pillow

After 5 minutes I finally got up, i got dressed into my school uniform and started brushing my teeth, after that i combed my hair and put it into braids, then i put my shoes on after eating some cereal. Sadly i didnt go to the same school as sooah since she went to an art school and her brothers already graduated, but atleast natsuo would drop me off. We had finally made it, i was nervous, i didnt know if schools would be different than in japan, i didnt even know anyone there and id get too scared to talk to someone so id have to stick to myself.

"Want me to pick you up?" Natsuo asked

"No, its fine" i replied before saying bye

I made my way inside, looking for my class I accidentally bumped into a tall guy

"Ow, oh im sorry i wasnt looking where i was going" I apologized

"Fuyu? You should start looking up instead of the floor" he laughed

"Well i was trying to find my class" I defended myself

"Wait does shota go here too?" I asked

"No, he goes to a different school" he answered

"Oohh" i mouthed

"Here lemme see where your classes are" he said while i gave him the piece of paper i was given

"Oh, we have the same classes, you can just follow me" he chuckled

"Well that makes this a lot easier" i smiled

The two of us started walking to our first class since it was gonna start soon, i sat next to him since i didnt know where else to sit, after waiting for a bit our teacher came into the room.

"Hello everyone, my name is Mrs Park, i will be giving you all assigned seats, when i call your name come here and youll get a table number, you will go to it" she explained

She started calling each student, every time she said a name i started getting nervous, im not sure why but it was probably because i was scared of getting seated next to someone whos rude to people for no reason.

"Yamamoto fuyuko" she finally called my name

I went up to her desk and took my paper, i went to the table number written on it, i was so nervous i didnt even hear her call seob after me, i watched him get closer to me and started realizing we were seated next to each other. I let out a relived sigh, the entire class was soo boring, i almost fell asleep multiple times but thankfully seob woke me up whenever she looked our way. After an hour we had lunch, I followed seob to the cafeteria

"What're you gonna get?" He asked me

"Im not sure, I'll probably get whatever looks most appetizing to me" I answered

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