How you make me feel

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"No one ever makes me feel the
way that you make me feel"

Its been a week since me and seob started dating, im planning on telling my parents and natsuo after school, but im worried my parents are gonna want me to focus on my studies.

"Fuyu, its time to go home" seob tapped me

"Ok, uhm i wanna tell my parents that we're dating, can you stay with me please" i looked at him

"Mhm, lets go" he took my backpack

We took the longer route so we could meet up with sooah and shota

"SHOTAAAAAA" i screamed

"FUYUUUUUUUU" he ran to us

"SOOOAAAAHHH"seob yelled


"Ow, whyd you hit my head?" I runned my head

"You didnt yell my name" sooah pouted

"You didnt yell mine either?" I hit her head

"Oh, so fuyu wants to tell her parents about our relationship, im scareddd" seob clung onto shota

"Just be calm, me and shota are gonna be there so they cant get too mad" sooah gave shota one of her drawings "here, i got an A because of you" she smiled at him

"Just kiss already" me and seob laughed

"Oh shut up" sooah hit me

"ICE CREAMMM" shota ran to the convenience store

The three of us followed him to the store, we all got our ice creams and ran back home

"WE'RE HOME" sooah opened the door

"Natsu, are mom and dad home?" I asked

"No, theyre getting grocer- ARE YOU GUYS HOLDING HANDS" he got up

"ARE YOU DATING" soomin came into the living room

"Mhm" i smiled


"Do you care for him more than me?" I looked at him

"Yes, wait, how are you gonna tell mom and dad?" He asked

"Well, imma text dad and see how it goes" I shrugged

"You're basically playing with fire" sooah chuckled

"Imma go get dressed, ill bring your clothes in a bit" i ignored sooah

I changed into some grey washed out pants and a black long sleeve shirt, i grabbed an outfit for shota and seob

"Here" i gave the two of them their outfits

They went to change in the two spare rooms

"Ok, since the two of you are comfortable, imma explain how i feel about this" natsuo got comfortable on the couch

"Im fine with you guys dating, but if mom and dad arent ill try to convince them, and if you hurt her i will not hesitate to set you on fire, and if you hurt him I'll throw you into a river" he grabbed the remote

"Did you have to threaten us" i looked at him with a shocked face

"Yes, thats the only way i can get the message through" he scrolled through the movies

I sat down next to natsu and texted my dad

Chichi 🔥

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