Cant help falling in love

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"Take my hand, take my whole life too
For i cant help falling in love with you"

The 4 of us quietly walked up to our door step, i was ready to record and sooah was getting her keys out


The three of them looked at us like deer caught in headlights. While we were laughing the song ended and another played, it was baby dont stop by nct... our laughter soon turned into pure shock


"ITS MY LIKED SONGS, WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT ME" soomin defended himself

"We're going to my room" sooah pushed the three of us while we all tried suppressing our laughter

"AYE DOOR STAYS OPEN" we heard the three of them yell

"Ok, shota, can you help me with my project now?" Sooah asked

"Yeah, how do you want me to pose?" He turned to her

"Just do any pose you feel comfortable doing" she grabbed her sketchbook and jellies shota bought her

"Ok thats good" she started sketching his jawline

After a while they took a break, me and seob were watching them from the floor. Since shota couldnt move sooah would give him a jelly from time to time

"DINNERS READY" my aunt yelled

"Oh I forgot our parents were home" me and sooah laughed

The four of us walked downstairs

"Who are they?" My uncle asked

"Theyre our friends dad" sooah sat down

"Youve met them before" i said

"Really? I probably forgot" he chuckled

"Haruto, natsuo come here" my mom called them

"So, since i don't remember meeting you could you tell me your names again?" My uncle embarrassedly smiled

"Im kim jongseob and im haku shota" the two introduced themselves

"Oh, are you Japanese?" My uncle ate some of his food

"Yes i am" he drank his soda

"Where were you born?" My dad asked

"Saitama" he put his cup down

"That was good aunt hyosonn , ill be back, imma get ice cream" natsuo left

"How did he eat that fast" i stared at his plate

"Im full mom" sooah grabbed a napkin

"You barely ate, eat a little more" my aunt clicked her tounge

"Here, ill finish it for you" shota took her plate

"Theyre so cute" i whispered to seob

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