Chapter 5

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Trigger Warning: Self-Harm

Oceanna's POV

I woke up with a start, that was the strangest dream I have ever had. I couldn't shake the feeling that I needed him more than I wanted to believe. It can't be real, it must be a prank amongst the townies. I wish somedays that I was more like Crystal, so that I could fit in.

I decide to focus on getting ready for school, but the thought of seeing either Tobias or Lucifer today has me feeling jittery. As I get in my head about what might happen if we cross paths, I feel the need to burn. Heading towards my bathroom, I have a sense of warmth wash over me. Brushing it off, I continue to lock the door and pull my pants off my body, the words Lucifer said last time going through my head. Ignoring them, I reach for a larger than normal ice cube, tears starting to stream down my face the harder I press it to my skin.

I suppress the screams, the pain is intense today, almost like I am feeling two peoples pain. I feel like I am drowning, I can't see clearly, I can't feel clearly anymore. In the distance I can hear banging and yelling. I can't keep ahold of reality, it feels like it is slipping. The door crashes to the ground and I am collected into strong arms. It smells like a forest and soil after rain, the scent reminds me of Lucifer, but it can't be him.

I woke to bright lights and a warm, comfy bed. It felt like I was laying on a cloud. "Where am I?" Someone squeezed my hand, turning I saw Lucifer, "my queen, you are in the hospital." Lucifer looked like he was in pain. "Why am I here?" He rested his hand against my cheek, running his thumb across my lips. "You hurt yourself again. You were so broken, I couldn't bring you back to me. I didn't know what to do." I was confused as to why he cared so much, they were really going all out for the benefit of the prank. "I'm sorry but it is none of your business whether I hurt myself or not."

Lucifer looked hurt by my words, but I learnt a long time ago to trust no-one. Before he could speak, we were interrupted by someone knocking on my hospital door. Lucifer seemed angry as he stomped over to let the person in. "Hi Oceanna, I wanted to check up on you." A small voice so similar to the woman in my dreams broke through my trance, as I stared out the window not wanting to deal with Lucifer's mood.

"Hecate? You can't really be here, you're not real." She snickered, clearly amused with my comment. "My Queen, what you experienced was no ordinary dream. It was a glimpse into a reality beyond the confines of the mortal realm." I arched an eyebrow, skeptical about what Hecate was telling me, "A reality? You mean that whole thing with Satan and the Underworld?" Hecate nodded, her silvery eyes holding a knowing glint. "Yes, precisely. The dream was a connection, a thread woven by the fates to reveal the truths that lie hidden within you."

I crossed my arms across my chest, I was confused and frustrated, which you could most likely see clearly on my face. "Truths? I don't understand. What does this have to do with Lucifer, and why would I dream about all of that?" Hecate moved towards me, sitting elegantly on the bed beside me, "I know you wish to understand more and I am pained that this confusion led you to be here in the hospital but you must continue on your journey to learn all those truths, over time. If you learn too much too quickly, I cannot fathom the consequences." I nodded, accepting her reasoning.

Hecate turned to Lucifer, "I am sorry my Prince for interrupting." Lucifer shook his head, with a small smile, "Don't be silly Hecate. I am glad you are here, so my Queen won't be alone when I am not here." I scoffed, "I am no child!" It was like he didn't hear me as he sauntered over to my bedside, leaning over and kissing my forehead, "goodbye little one, I will see you soon. I have something to handle." I stayed silent as he sighed and quietly left the room.

"Are you and my Prince quarrelling?" I turned to see Hecate staring at me with concern, "you have to be in a relationship first to be quarrelling Hecate." She looked confused but I didn't feel like talking about Lucifer. He lied to me and now I was thrown into knowing about a world that I always thought they used a warning to humans to behave. "When will he claim me?" "What do you mean Oceanna?" I let out a breath, I was getting frustrated but I needed answers, "when will he claim me as his Queen and take me from this world?" Hecate leant into me, draping her arm around my shoulders, comfortingly. I didn't realise how upset I was about what I was told.

The first tear fell, "oh Oceanna. He will only claim you if you accept. I remember one past life where you refused to go with him, you were so angry that he didn't tell you the truth from the start. Please remember if you don't agree, you will break him. I have seen him like that before and I would never wish to him like that again. His world revolves around you." I felt a wave of fear wash over me, what will he do if he loses me. "What if I don't feel that way towards him?" "I understand you feel this way now but what if you grew to love him by getting to know him more." I contemplated what she said, but then Tobias and the other townies remarks and name calling came back to me. 'I will not be tricked. I will never get to know him. He is like the rest of them.'

Almost like she sensed my thoughts, she tensed next to me and stayed silent for the rest of the evening. I couldn't stand it any longer and wished to be left alone, "Hecate, I would like to be alone to think about everything." She raised from her spot next to me on the bed, "Ok Oce, I will let the Prince know." "Please don't he will only back if he thinks I am alone." She looked like she was having an inner battle with her loyalties, to her Queen or her Prince. "Ok my Queen, Only because you ordered it." She slowly bowed her head and left, I believe waiting for me to change my mind. However, my mind had already been made up, I was leaving here. I will not be ridiculed by the townies a day more.

The doctor visited me, a while after Hecate had left, administering the medication to help me overcome that feeling I get before I hurt myself. Once the doctor left, I raced around the room collecting what I needed to leave immediately. I got changed into the clothes I wore when I arrived, leaving with only the clothes on my back, my medications and my phone. As soon as the laces on my converse was tied, I made my escape.

Peering into the hallway outside my room I wanted to make sure neither Lucifer nor Hecate was waiting. I was creeping past the nurses' station when I heard the voice I fear the most, Tobias'. "Which room is she in? I know what my cousin's instructions were but he asked me to check on her." I shook my head in disbelief, that is what I feared the most, that he was setting her up to be ridiculed and bullied. I didn't need to hear anymore, I didn't even wait to hear the nurse's response. I feared what he would be here for. I shuffled around the corner and nearly ran into Crystal, I was about to run up to her but a feeling in my gut stopped me.

As I waited, I heard the most horrible thing, betrayal of a family member. "Where the hell are you Tobias? I need to get my hands on her!" The words, filled with venom, spilled from my sister's lips, transforming her into a stranger before my eyes. "What do you mean she isn't there? Has she run away?" I couldn't risk hanging around the hospital any longer, knowing that my sister was plotting something. "Tobias, find that bitch! I want her destroyed!" I couldn't understand what I did? What made her turn into this person? I had to leave now, and there was only one place no-one would think to look for me.

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