Chapter 16

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Oceanna's POV

"I am here to reclaim what is rightfully mine." I couldn't believe what Jake was saying, Lucifer took a step forward blocking me from Jake's view. "What do you mean yours, Fallen scum?" I held on tightly to Lucifer's arm that was wrapped behind him, tethering himself to me. Jake roared, I have never been so terrified in my life, tears started running down my cheeks, he stilled, "it's okay baby girl. I am not mad at you. I love you." I gasped, he loved me. I looked up at Lucifer and could see he was on the edge now, ready to unleash his demon.

With a primal growl, Lucifer released his grip on me and stepped forward, his eyes blazing with fury. The air crackled with tension as the air around him grew heavier. I could feel the raw power emanating from him, a force to be reckoned with. Jake's face contorted into a wicked smile, clearly underestimating the wrath he had provoked. "Lucifer, you think you can stand against me? You are nothing compared to what I have become!" he taunted, his voice dripping with malice.

But Lucifer remained unfazed, his voice booming with authority. "You are mistaken, Jake. My demon is the most powerful being in existence, it will not let you take away what is mine." As their words hung in the air, a storm began to brew above us. Dark clouds rolled in, blotting out the moonlight and casting an ominous shadow over the desolate landscape. Thunder rumbled in the distance. Jake made the first move, Lucifer spun around with enough time to push we to the side of the balcony and dodge Jake's attack.

In a matter of minutes, Satan and Lilith were by my side. I could do nothing but watch as my mate fought for us. Lucifer unleashed a devastating flurry of punches and kicks, each strike landing with precision and force. Every blow seemed to embody the entirety of his wrath, as if he were channeling the rage of every fallen angel that had ever walked the earth. The ground trembled beneath their feet as the battle raged on, each strike echoing with a deafening crack.

Jake was not without his own powers, however. He summoned dark tendrils of energy, lashing out at Lucifer with a ferocity that matched his own. How did Jake have that power he wasn't a demon. Their clash created shockwaves, tearing through the landscape and sending debris flying in all directions. I could only watch in awe and terror as my world spiralled into chaos.

Desperation fuelled me as I realised I couldn't just stand idly by. Gathering what little courage remained within me, I searched for an opening, where I could get in between the two and stop the fight. The crowd went silent, as I walked forward, except for Lilith who was screaming my name, allowing enough of a distraction to stop both men momentarily. In that brief moment of respite, I reached out and took hold of Lucifer's arm, my intent clear. "Enough," I commanded, my voice shaking with resolve. "This ends now, or all three of us will perish in the carnage."

At first, I wasn't sure if my words would have any effect. But to my surprise, Lucifer hesitated, his gaze drifting from me to Jake. The two of them stood there, silhouetted against the storm, their respective powers waning, slowly Jake walked backwards, his beast disappearing. Upon sensing that the danger had gone, Lucifer's demon also disappeared. Looking around at the devastation that they both caused, I couldn't look at either of them. They had ruined my night. "Look at what you did? Everything beautiful is ruined." I ran through the crowd with Lucifer calling after me. Someone must have stopped him from following as I never felt his presence as I continued to get further away from the court.

I made it to what felt like my safe space here, the secret garden, Satan told me how to enter it, if I ever needed it. He also told me how the only people who knew how to get in was his late wife, Aurora, Lilith and himself, and suppose now me. I had only been seated on the bench a moment when I heard a rustling behind me. I knew I was safe, so I didn't move. I felt him before I saw him, "my child, are you okay?" I nodded afraid to speak as the tears still fell.

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