Chapter 9

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Oceanna's POV

I stayed till Lucifer walked away, I didn't know what to think. I couldn't deny the feeling I feel whenever he is near, it had just come back with as much force as it had when I first met him. His departure left this void of emptiness within my chest and I couldn't help but smile at the thought of seeing him later. I had to ask the questions that had been pestering my mind for the last three years. Why did I run? What secrets did he hold? And, most importantly, could I resist the magnetic force pulling me back to him? With a heavy sigh, I reluctantly turned away from the door, the weight of indecision settling in my chest.

"Oceanna! I was wondering where you were. I was about to ring your father." I smiled towards the woman who I call not only my boss but my friend. "Sorry boss. I had someone come back from the past." She dropped what she was holding, scattering the papers all over the floor, "Lucifer?" Other than my father, she was the only other person who knew anything about my past life. "Yeah, we will be meeting later to talk." She wriggled her eyebrows at me, suggesting something more would be happening later. "So....does Jake know?" I scoffed, "why would he have to be told?" She looked at me knowingly, "because my dear friend, he has been after you since the day you moved here." I cringed at the idea, "no way. He will be my step-brother. I also don't feel for him that way." She laughed, "babe you clearly have not read enough smutty books, step-brothers can help a lot with cleaning the pipes, if know what I mean." I couldn't contain my laughter, "cleaning the pipes, really Selene? No I am perfectly content with my life, no pipes need cleaning here." We continued to laugh and cat whilst working.

"The store looks good, I think it's time for us to go home." "Ok Selene. I will be here early, we have a new shipment of books arriving in the morning." She nodded and waved her hand as she walked out the door, "thanks for locking up for me." I shook my head smiling, I really enjoyed her company, she was my only friend since I had none back at Bungalora. I was just shutting off the lights when the bells above the door went off, "sorry we are closed!" I could hear footsteps walking towards me, the air seemed to change, almost like a warning. "Hello baby-girl. I am here to walk you home." Jake slid his hands up and down my arms, making me shiver in disgust. I was scared.

My heart pounded in my chest as I took a step back, creating more space between Jake and me. The dim light of the bookstore cast shadows on the shelves, heightening the unease in the air. "I don't need you to walk me home, Jake. I can take care of myself," I asserted, my voice steady despite the underlying fear. He chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down my spine for all the wrong reasons. "Come on, don't be like that. I'm just trying to look out for you."

I could feel the shift in the air, the atmosphere grew heavier. I felt uncomfortable, I wish Lucifer was here. "Baby-girl? Come with me." Suddenly the wind whipped around us, "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!" Lucifer wrapped his arms around my body spinning me so that I was now hidden behind him. I peeked out from around his large frame, noticing the hatred boring out of Jake. "I should be saying that to you! Who the fuck are you?" Lucifer snickered, "I am hers."

Jake's eyes widened, his disbelief turning into anger. The air crackled with tension as Lucifer stood protectively in front of me. "Get out of here, Jake. She's not interested," Lucifer's voice was a low growl, resonating with power that sent a shiver down my spine. Jake, however, seemed undeterred. "You think you can just show up and claim her? I've been looking out for her for years!"

Lucifer started shaking with anger, I was getting worried. "You've been looking out for her? Is that what you call it? She doesn't need your protection. She's mine." I gripped the fabric of Lucifer's jacket, hoping that it kept him under control. "You don't know what she needs. She's safer without the likes of you," Jake spat out, his resentment palpable. Lucifer's laughter echoed through the empty streets, a sound that resonated with centuries of confidence. "Safer without me? You have no idea, mortal."

I didn't think things could get worse until, Jake punched Lucifer across his jaw. I gasped, this could only end very badly. In that moment, Lucifer's wings unfurled, casting a shadow over the ground. The ethereal display sent Jake stumbling backward, his bravado diminishing in the face of supernatural might. "Leave, Jake. Before you realise just how dangerous it is to challenge me," Lucifer's words were a warning, the authority in his voice brooking no argument.

As Jake retreated, the wind seemed to carry away the remnants of his presence. Lucifer turned to me, his eyes softening. "Are you okay, my queen?" I nodded, my heart still racing. The encounter had left me shaken, but with Lucifer by my side, I felt an inexplicable sense of security. With Lucifer's arms still wrapped around me, I truly knew I missed him. "Lucifer....I missed you. I am sorry." Lucifer's hold tightened around me, his warmth seeping through the fabric of my jacket. His wings carefully wrapped around me like a cocoon, protecting me from the elements.

"There's nothing to apologise for, my queen. I've missed you too," Lucifer murmured, his voice a soothing melody. I leaned into him more, allowing myself to savour this moment. "I was so scared..." I barely murmured above a whisper, but he heard me. I didn't think we could get any closer than we were but I was wrong, me managed to pull me closer, comforting me. Lucifer gently lifted my chin, his eyes locking onto mine. "You don't have to be scared anymore. I'm here. No one can harm you."

His words held a promise that resonated deep within me. In that moment, beneath the dim glow of the streetlights, I felt a profound gratitude for the complicated, mysterious being who had entered my life. "I am glad you are here." Something almost electrical zapped between us as he leaned in, still holding my chin and gaze.

The world around us seemed to fade into the background as Lucifer's lips met mine. It was a gentle, almost hesitant kiss, filled with a quiet intensity that spoke volumes. His touch ignited a spark, a connection that surpassed the physical realm. The bond between us pulsed, making my whole body heat and my core slick. I longed for this to never end, I could no longer live without this man.

When he pulled away, his gaze lingered on mine, a silent exchange of understanding passing between us. I was his and he was mine. There was no denying it now, we had passed the point of no return. I was soon to be his queen and judging by the smirk he was sporting, he knew it. "Thank you for finding me, Lucifer," I whispered, the words carrying a weight of gratitude. "It was inevitable, my queen. Everywhere I go leads me back to you."

Lucifer and I were walking hand in hand back to my father's house. As we walked we talked about many things that had happened over the course of the three years. "There is someone who misses you a lot little one." I immediately thought of my poor mother, "is she very angry with me?" He smiled warmly, "no little one. She was concerned about your safety. That is all." A tear fell down my cheek, I couldn't think about the sadness in my heart for long though. Lucifer did something I never expected, he leant forward and licked the tears away from my cheeks. It was so intimate and hot as hell, which is ironic really. As I looked into his eyes, there was a depth of understanding that went beyond mere words. "Little one, you don't need to carry that burden alone," he reassured, his voice a soothing melody.

"My Prince! Where the hell have you been?" I had been in a trance, thinking about Lucifer that I didn't notice a third person had joined us. And now she was giving Lucifer an ear full for running off on his own. It was rather comical. As I giggled they both turned towards me, "my Queen!" Hecate stopped her argument with Lucifer and raced towards me, wrapping me up in a bear hug.

Suddenly her demeanour changed, she slapped me playfully on the arm, "I was worried about you!" She went straight back to hugging me, "I am sorry Hecate for worrying you. I shouldn't have left the way I did." She pulled away, and that was when I noticed she was crying. "I am sorry, I didn't stay close by. What happened?" The events of that night came back to me so quickly, it was horrible to experience again, as I told them the story, I sobbed. I had lost so much time because of Crystal and Tobias, Lucifer felt this lost as well.

Lucifer's anger grew with every word I spoke, it got to the point that his demon was on the surface, ready to come out. "Lucifer? Come back to me. I am yours. I am here." He bent his head towards me, nuzzling his nose in the crook of my neck and seeking solace in my scent. I felt like I was home at last, my home being Lucifer, it felt like a missing piece had been returned to my puzzle. 

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