Part 2

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aespa POV

The end of year was reaching as we prepared for big special performances for the fans. Our manager told us that we would be working with a well known dance group.

Practice day came and we had just arrived at the practice room where the backup dancers were already waiting. Upon entering, we noticed the dance group.

"Y/N? Is that you?" Karina asked as she approached Y/N slowly. They had already known about Y/N's dance group but their manager kept the group's identity from them until today.

"Hmm? Oh hi girls" He waved at us with a warm smile that we all had missed so much.

"Y/N~" "OPPAA" "Y/N~ We missed you so muchhh" the girls said as they formed a group hug with Y/N as the other dancers in the room just watch the little reunion. Some of them even got teary eyed.

"It's been too long. I missed you guys too. How many years has it been? 2-3?" Y/N spoke out while still in the group hug.

"3 years Y/N. That's how long it has been" Karina remembered the last time they had contacted each other which was before their debut.

"Jeez and you guys are world stars now. I'm very proud of you guys" Y/N patted our backs and then we eventually let go of the hug, reminiscing about the good old days.

"You are well known too oppa. Your dance skills always blow up and go viral on every social media" Ningning praised Y/N making him blush.

"I guess all those training when we were trainees paid off huh" He chuckled but we actually felt bad for him. We saw how hard he trained to debut but somehow he didn't get his deserved chance which still remains a mystery to this very day.

After chatting for almost an hour, the choreographer finally called everyone for the dance practice to officially begin.


We had finished our first dance practice together and it was time to head back home after the tiring session.

The aespa girls planned to invite Y/N for dinner but due to the very challenging dance practice just now, they had to skip it for now to get their beauty rest.

"We really are going all out for this year end performance huh, my body is very sore from all that dancing" Karina said while massaging her shoulders.

"Same here. But I'm just glad that we get to see Y/N oppa again. His dancing skills really is no joke" Ningning continued after watching how easily Y/N executed all those dance moves in practice.

"Sucks that we can't have a meal with him" Giselle said, feeling down. "Wait a minute, did any of you exchanged contact number with him?" She suddenly remembered.

"Omo, I forgot!" Winter smacked her forehead as she said that.

"Aaaaaack I forgot too!" Ningning continued after.

"Awwwwwwhh I really wanted to chat with him after practice" the disappointed Karina pouted.

"Hmmm it's ok. We'll be seeing him again right?" Giselle asked and Winter nodded her head like a puppy.

"We have another practice with them in Thursday" Ningning answered which is three days from now.

"That's too long~ I miss him already~~" Winter whined like a baby.

"You guys really do adore him huh hahahah" Manager unnie said from the driver seat.

"Of course~ Y/N is so kind and sweet, I just want to put him in my pocket sometimes" Karina responded cutely.

"He's too big for that unnie hahahaha" Ningning laughed at the leader.

"He's the type of guy that you can find comfort in and can cheer you up anytime" Winter spoke out as she remembered the good old days.

"OO OOH You guys remember that time when there was a flood?" Giselle reminded them as they all exclaimed in excitement.

"I DOO, we were laughing the entire day because of it" Winter laughed out loud.

"Why why? What happened?" Manager unnie grew curious as she kept looking at us while focusing on the road.

"OMG YESS he literally carried every one of us one by one to cross the river-like road" Karina joined the laughing Winter.

"I still remember that day clearly. He didn't even hesitate to carry us in the rain" A smile grew on Ningning's face talking about it.

"His socks were all wet heading back to the dormitory. Could you imagine going through that?! That's the worst feeling ever!" Giselle exaggerated as everyone laughed.

"That was a core memory for us. We had so much fun that day" Karina said as everyone agreed.

"If he's that type of guy, I guess I can trust him with you guys" Manager unnie stated leaving everyone satisfied.

Every time they're with Y/N they feel safe, happy and even loved.

"Ahhhh~ I can't wait to see Y/N again" Winter said feeling happy just from the thought of seeing him.

But deep down the girls were keeping their own secrets, they valued their relationship with Y/N so much that they had to hide their feelings, afraid that Y/N might not have the same feeling.

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