Part 8

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After spending the morning with my girlfriend, I headed my way to the SM HQ where Karina was already waiting for me to guide me to the CEO's office even though I already know where it was.

"There you are Y/N!" Karina who was waiting for me at the bench near the receptionist while playing her phone.

"Hey there Jiminie. You ready?" I asked her as she stood up.

"Why are you asking me? You're the one that should be ready haha" She laughed, hitting my hand gently.

We then proceeded to go to the CEO's office while chatting nonsense with each other.

"Come in" The CEO said after I knocked on his door.

"Good luck Y/N!" Karina said as I was about to enter.

"Wait Karina-ssi. I actually want you to join us" The CEO suddenly invited Karina to our meeting.

"Sit down you two" He instructed us as we did what was told.

"First of all, it's nice to see you again my boy" He smiled.

"It's nice to see you too CEO-nim" I bowed respectfully.

"I know this must've been hard for you, losing loved ones..... but you being here proves that you're stronger than you are" The CEO encouraged me.

"Thank you, I'm actually doing this to fulfill me and my mom's dream" I expressed to him as Karina smiled at me proudly.

"That's great! We're still working on your debut whether it's group or solo. In the meantime you can freely express your creativity in your own works while we sort it all out. And Karina here will be guiding you in your journey for a while since she's your senior" He explained to us as Karina smirked at me hearing the word senior, I could only roll my eyes from her actions.

"Here are your contract details, I need you to read it carefully before signing it" He continued. I carefully scanned the contract as he asked and overall I was satisfied with the job details making me sign on it after a few more reading.

"Now that it's done. Welcome back to the company my boy!" The CEO excitedly reached out his hands to me for a handshake.

"Thank you for accepting me CEO-nim, I'll make you proud" I told him as he chuckled.

"I know you will!" He laughed.

"Now if you may, Karina-ssi, please give this rookie a tour around the building" He joked as Karina gave him a salute.

"Will do boss!" We then went out of the office to proceed with the unnecessary tour.

Karina helped me in creating my work ID for building access and actually showed me the recording studios where I will mostly be in my working time to create something.

"Soo~ what are you planning to do now?" Karina asked as we sipped on our beverage that we had just bought from the company cafe.

"I don't know..... what about you?" I asked her back with nothing in mind.

"We have dance and vocal training after this" She answered.

"Can I join?" I saw took this opportunity to help regain back my steps.

"That's a great idea! Let's go then" Karina then pulled me to their training room where the other aespa members were already waiting.

Before I even entered the room, I already expected them to be noisy.

"Oppa!!" The maknae Ningning shouted after seeing my face.

"Ohh it's Y/N~ I guess he's back at the company" Giselle took a guess.

"Hello sunbaenim" I greeted and bowed to them as a joke making them cringe.

"STOPP! You don't have to do that!" Winter cutely begged.

"Argh I just had the chills hearing that" Karina continued as we all laughed.

"What are you doing here oppa?" Ningning asked as she scanned my outfit.

"Oh nothing.... I'm actually here to join your practices.... if that's okay with you guys" I chuckled.

"Of course you can! You're the best dancer in this building!" Winter complimented making me blush.

"You should be the one teaching us" Giselle continued and not long after, the dance instructor entered the room to proceed with aespa's practice until she was confused to see me.

"Y/N?" She slightly tilted her head after seeing me.

"Hello noona~ I am in your care now" I bowed to her as we both laughed. Their instructor was Bada Lee, we're both very close to each other thanks to Noze.

"What the hell are you doing here Y/N?" She laughed making the aespa girls more confused from the situation.

"I just signed for this company today and here I am.." I briefly answered her.

"I know you guys are wondering how we know each other" I said to the girls as they nodded like little puppies.

Then I explained to them how Noze brought me a hangout where most of the street woman fighter casts were present and there I got to know more of them.

"Alright enough babbling" Bada noona clapped her hand. "Let's practice!"

The practice then proceeded with me mostly watching the girls from the side as I was told to watch the girl's movements and techniques for their dance by Bada noona. In other words, I helped Bada noona.

"And 5,6,7,8! Done! Good job girls, you all did well today and thank you Y/N for helping me monitor the girls" Bada noona exclaimed clapping her hands to the tired aespa girls.

"No problem noona" I gave her a thumbs up.

"Thank you unnie" The girls thanks Bada breathlessly.

"Get some rest first girls. I guess I'll be going now. Bye guys" Bada noona left the room after waving goodbye to us. It seems like she was in a rush.

"Wow that was intense!" I sat down beside Ningning, handing her a water bottle.

"Thank you oppa" Ningning took a sip and then leaned over to my body to rest.

"Yah Ningie, you're sweating don't lean on Y/N oppa" Winter complained from my other side.

"It's fine, I don't mind it. You guys worked really hard just now" I immediately said while patting Ningning's head.

"That's not fair! I want one too!" Winter then joined resting on my body.

"Uhm you guys mind helping?" I asked over to Karina and Giselle who just watched everything happen while laughing.

"Nope! It's your fault for overworking us" Karina laughed.

"Hey how was I supposed to know that she wanted me to help instruct you guys" I reasoned.

After a few more minutes of being Ningning and Winter's pillow, we finally headed out for dinner at a restaurant nearby their dorm.

"Wheww first day on the job and you already became our instructor" The tired Karina sighed as we sat down waiting for our dinner.

"What can I do. I was invited" I reasoned to them with an innocent smile.

"Yeah right" Giselle rolled her eyes making me laugh at them.

"By the way is Jihye unnie coming?" The excited Winter suddenly asked me.

"I dont think so..... She's probably still working" I took a quick glance at my phone for any notifications from Noze.

"What a bummer, I really wanted to tease you with her" Karina sighed and gave me a smirk.

"All you guys do is tease me~ You're lucky I'm a patient man" I told them as a joke resulting in them laughing and fake vomiting.

As the dinner went on we devoured our meal due to the tiredness from the intense practice just now.

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