Part 6

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Just as we reached home, we had already entered our bedroom and that's where I received a phone call from the doctor taking care of my mom.

"Hello?" I picked up the call.

"Is this Kim Y/N?" The caller asked making me nervous as Noze held my hand hoping for good news.

"Y-yes why?" I stuttered due to feeling too scared.

"I'm very sorry Mr Y/N but your mom has passed away just now in her sleep peacefully" The doctor said making my heart drop. I was speechless and tears started to fall from my eyes.

"Why? What happened honey?" Noze worried about me as she gripped my hand tighter.

"I-it's mo-mom" I cried and she hugged me immediately.

"I have to go back to the hospital" I prepared myself again to go back.

"Let me come with you" Noze also quickly got ready.

"It's ok you don't have t-" I tried to go alone so she didn't have to worry but I was cut off as she held my hand.

"Y/N honey, I'm coming with you" She sternly said while looking at me in the eyes. Tears were also forming on her eyes and I nodded as we headed out once again but this time feeling scared to face what was about to come.

Zooming my way to the hospital, there I saw my mom lying on her bed peacefully and that immediately made me cried my heart out. I hugged her lifeless body hoping that she'd wake up miraculously.

"Come here Y/N honey. She wouldn't want to see you cry right now. Stay strong for her ok?" Noze pulled and hugged me. She was also holding in her tears but she tried her best to not show it just to try to comfort me.


The funeral was held the next morning as relatives and families gathered. And here I was standing in front of my mother's grave alone. My so-called father who left us when I was a teenager attended the funeral too but he was no use as he only made me more angry towards him for not taking care of mom.

My girlfriend had just returned home after staying by my side for the whole day. I told her to get some rest.

"Oppa!!" A female voice appeared from afar as I turned to the voice's direction.

It was Ningning's voice and the other aespa members were also behind her. Noze told them about the sad news and they immediately decided to come visit.

Ningning sprinted towards me and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry for your loss" She cried out in my arms as I rubbed her back.

I gave her a forced smile and then Giselle was next to hug me.

"I can't imagine what you're going through right now Y/N-ie. Stay strong ok? For her and for us" She said as I nodded and next it was Karina's turn.

"I-I don't know what to say, I wish I had the right words to comfort you" Karina said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"It's ok Jiminie, you guys coming here is already comforting to me" I responded to her softly. Then lastly, it was Winter's turn but I had to approach her as she was trying her best holding in her tears at the moment.

"S-she was so nice to me, I-i" She sobbed out making it hard for her to form words as I hugged her and rubbed her back.

"It would have meant a lot to my mom that you came Minjeongie. She likes you very much" I told her and she started to calm down a bit.

"Thank you for coming girls. I know this must've been a hassle for you guys to come here before our performance later" I said thinking about performance that was about to happen the night later.

"It never is Y/N" Karina held my shoulder, giving me a serious look.

"You're like our family oppa and so was your mom. I would even skip the event later if you want me to" Ningning boldly spoke out making me chuckle.

"I appreciate it Ningie but that's too much" I patted her head and chuckled.

"We understand if you don't want to proceed with the performance later Y/N. I'm sure someone can substitute for you" Giselle said as I waved my hand in disagreement.

"No no it's ok. I can still do it" I told them and Karina instantly hugged me again.

"I know this must be hard for you Y/N. Your mom would be proud to see you staying strong like this" She finally found her comforting words.

That honestly almost made me cry as tears were forming on my eyes.

"Thank you Jiminie. She's in a better place now, I don't have to worry about her anymore" I told her and she let go of the hug with tears in her eyes.

"If you ever need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to call us ok?" She continued as I nodded.

"We have to go now, see you later Y/N" Giselle said as their manager already called them for the show preparations.

I waved them goodbye and then waited for a few more moments before I have to go back too.


Now I'm currently in our waiting room, waiting for our turn to perform on the big stage with aespa after what could be said an eventful day.

The aespa girls made sure to comfort me again before the performance even though I was feeling a lot better than before. I appreciate what they were trying to do, somehow it made me feel happy knowing that someone actually cared about me.

Then our time to go on stage had arrived as we all did one last group huddle to motivate each other. After we broke the huddle, Karina pulled me aside.

"You can do it Y/N! Fighting!!" She raised her fighting fists as she looked into my eyes.

"Why are you saying that like it's my performance" I laughed. "You girls are the main highlight of the performance" I wrapped my arms around her shoulders as she gave me a big smile.

"Fighting!" We both said to each other and then moved to our positions for the performance.

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