Part 7

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The performance went very well, receiving very loud genuine reactions from the audience. To my surprise, there were banners from the crowd telling me to stay strong. I never expected a fan to comfort me.

Returning to our waiting room, my girlfriend was waiting for me with a proud face and welcomed me back with a loving hug.

"You did great honey!" Noze said as she held onto me very tightly.

"Thank you for supporting me all the time" I kissed the crown of her head as she faced me with her adorable smile afterwards.

"Your mom would be so proud of you" she encouraged me.

"She always wanted to see me sing on stage. I might pursue back my music career for her" I just blurted out an opinion as Noze showed me a shocked face. She never expected me to say that.

"Omo are you sure about that?" She asked and I reply her with a nod as she hopped happily while hugging me.

"Whatever you want to do, I will always support you baby" She continued making me chuckle at this cute angel.

While we were still in our own world, aespa joined us and were confused seeing Noze who was busy hugging me while stomping her feet in excitement.

"Hi unnie~" Ningning greeted her as she stopped and greeted aespa back.

"What's happening here?" Karina smirked at us both. "The mood is so lovey dovey here" She continued as everyone laughed.

"Should I tell them?" Noze asked me with her puppy eyes, leaving me with no choice but to accept it as I nodded making her more excited.

"Are you guys getting married?!?" Winter exclaimed as me and Noze quickly denied her, waving our hands.

"Besides, we're not financially ready for that" Noze chuckled. "It's just that Y/N here~ told me that he's going to pursue back his music career" Noze continued as the aespa members were also shocked by the sudden news.

"Waaaaa it's about time you show that talent of yours!" Giselle spoke out while clapping her hands.

"We're so happy for you Y/N" Winter said genuinely.

"We'll do whatever it takes to help you Oppa!" Ningning cutely raised her voice.

"Thank you girls. I really appreciate what you're doing for me" I thanked them with a smile while my arms still wrapped around Noze's shoulders.

"We can start helping by telling our company if that's okay with you" Karina suggested hesitantly.

"I guess that'll help knowing that I don't have a label yet" I told them.

"Great! I'll keep you updated on the situation" Karina snapped her fingers.

"I'm sure they will happily accept you back!" Winter reassured me, given that I was a former trainee at the company after I had withdrawn.

"I'm so excited for this! I hope we can sing together one day" Winter continued, imagining singing together with me.

After a few more minutes of babbling nonsense with the girls, their manager called them as it was time to go back home. We bid farewell to each other and went our own ways.

"I'm so glad that the girls were so supportive" Noze said in the car while holding my hand.

"I know right. I don't even know if I still have it in me" I honestly felt nervous thinking about my singing abilities since it has been a long time.

"Don't worry babe, I'm sure you'll do well" Noze rubbed my hand that she was holding. She has been very clingy since I lost my mom and I love her for that.

"Thank you love" I kissed her hands while focusing on driving.

The next morning came and I received a call from an unknown number but I already knew who it was as Karina had already informed me about it.

"Hello?" I picked up the call.

"Y/N! It's been a while!" The caller spoke out making me recognise his voice immediately.

"Aigoo CEO-nim~ You must've missed me" I joked with him. The SM Ent CEO personally recruited me to become a trainee under his company when I was just a teenager. He was in charge of recruiting trainees before he even got the CEO title.

"Of course I do! You're my golden boy!" He said as we both laughed.

"I heard from Karina that you wanted to go back to this line of work. Is that true?" He asked in an excited tone.

"Yeaa...... but I'm still not sure if it's the right move" I told him truthfully.

"What do you mean Y/N?" The CEO wanted a clear explanation.

"It's just.. I'm afraid that I might have a bad image from failing as a trainee and out of nowhere I'm back......This can damage the company's reputation" I nervously explained to him.

"Aish don't say that my boy. First of all, you didn't fail your trainee days. You resigned yourself to take care of your mother, remember? And you were top of every class when you were here. I don't see any reason for you to fail as an idol" He chuckled remembering back my trainee days.

"Listen, just head on to my office and we'll discuss things more further" He continued.

"Sure thing CEO-nim" I replied to him and he ended the call after saying goodbye to each other.

"Who was that?" Noze who just came out of our room still looking sleepy.

"The CEO of SM" I casually answered as she slowly approached me and hugged me in her still sleepy state at the sofa.

"*Yawn* so did you get the job" She asked with a smile.

"Not quite yet. I still have to go meet him" I chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"When?" Noze kept on questioning.

"Maybe later....I still have to feed my baby first before heading out" I teased her as she gave me a cute little smile.

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