Part 9

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"Waaahhhh I'm so fullll" Ningning exclaimed while rubbing her cute tummy.

I stood up to pay for the food but was suddenly stopped by a pair of hands holding onto my arm.

"No no no you have done enough for us already. Let us pay this time" Giselle spoke out as the three girls went to the cashier to pay as if this was already planned.

"Jeez okok" I laughed and let them do it.

After paying, I had to send them back to their dorm with them squeezing at the back seat of my car and the lucky lone passenger beside me was Karina who luckily won by playing rock paper scissors.

"I love this feeling~ Night time cruise with the gang~" Karina said as I drove towards their dorm.

"You don't say" "Try sitting with us back here" The girls at the back said, still can't get over the fact that they lost in rock paper scissors making both me and Karina laugh at the cute kids.

After a few more minutes, we finally arrived and upon dropping them off, I realised that Ningning was fake sleeping. I can tell by the way her mouth was moving, she was holding in her smile.

Before I got a chance to say a word, Karina wittingly spoke out.

"Aigoo our baby is asleep~ You should carry her Y/N-ie" She said while winking at me as I went on with the act.

"Sure I didn't sweat enough during the dance practice anyway" I proceeded to exit the car.

As I exit the car, Karina stopped me and went on to open the car door for Giselle to carry Ningning.

I tried so hard to hold in my laugh watching Ningning smiling satisfyingly thinking that I was the one carrying her.

They walked towards the entrance of their building and then said goodbye to me.

"Bye Y/N it was fun spending the day with you" Karina shouted from afar.

"Thanks for driving us oppa!" Winter continued as Ningning was getting confused with all the shouting.

"Goodnight Y/N! I have to get inside now. Ningie is quite heavy" Giselle said making Ningning open her eyes wide open.

"Yahhh! I thought you were Y/N Oppaa" She sulked as I can only laugh from afar, waving them goodbye.

"Bye Oppa thank you for the ridee" Ningning shouted while being dragged by her members who was busy laughing, into their building.

After an eventful day with the girls, I head back home, excited to tell the funny details to her.

"Baby~ I'm home~" I said upon entering my home. There wasn't any response which weirded me out. Noze usually rushes to me all excited whenever I get home.

"Honey" Her voice suddenly appeared as I perked up and saw her all teared up.

"Baby what's wrong?" I went ahead to hug her as she accepted it while sobbing.

"It- it's just....." she stopped for a moment to wipe her tears. "I went through your stuff just now and saw pictures of you and your mom" She sniffled and looked at me with a sad face.

"I know i know" I pulled her in for another hug. "I miss her too" I said as tears were also forming on my eyes, thinking how proud she would have been seeing me today.

"I miss hearing her sweet voice" Noze continued as I patted her back gently, trying to calm her down.

"I have an idea. We should visit your parents tomorrow after work. I only met them once and that was during your video call with them" I reasoned to her as her face lit up.

"That's a great idea" She sniffed. "I get to see Blue again too that way" She excitedly said. For those that don't know, Blue is her pet dog.

"That's more like it" I smiled watching her mood rise. "Let's get to bed. I'm so tired from practice just now"

"You had practice on your first day?" She asked as we went to our room while hugging my arm.

The next day came and I went to work feeling excited and nervous to meet my girlfriend's parents for the first time.

I was tasked to polish my singing skills for the day accompanied by my new manager, Hanna noona. The age gap between us is not that big but she's still older than me so noona it is. We got to know each other during the session, trying to build a bond. There was also a vocal couch present to guide me.

Right after the session had ended, I had already packed up my things to leave work.

"Hmm I guess he's ready" The vocal coach said while looking at a piece of paper which seemed like a checklist.

"Ok Y/N, from the evaluations that we have made during this session. I think you're ready for your first song!" Hanna noona exclaimed in excitement. I was surprised by this decision from the vocal coach and Hanna noona. Didn't expect it to come this soon.

"Let's go meet one of the producers. I'm sure he's also excited to work with you" Hanna noona continued.

"Wait? Like right now?" I was surprised by the sudden plans.

"Of course! Don't you want to debut as soon as possible? You have all the qualities of a star already" She explained to me as the guilt started to kick in the fact that I had plans with my girlfriend later.

"Uhm it's just that I have plans later...." I hesitated.

"Oh really... hmm. I'm afraid that this might be our only chance to meet him due to his packed schedule" Hanna noona spoke out while rubbing her chin.

"Uh- hold on let me make a phone call first" I had to make a difficult decision and proceeded to call Noze.

The phone rang for a few seconds before it was picked up.

"Hii babyy~" My excited girlfriend voiced out.

"Hello..." I was afraid to tell her that I can't keep my promise today.

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