Part 10

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"Hii babyy~" My excited girlfriend voiced out.

"Hello honey..." I was afraid to tell her that I can't keep my promise.

"Uhm? What's wrong?" She asked.

"I'm really sorry sweetie but I think we might have to cancel our plans today..." I told her disappointingly.

"Oh.. why? What happened?" She asked again but this time her tone changed.

"The company had new plans for me, I have to meet someone for my debut plans" I briefly told her.

"Really?! I'm so happy for you baby!" Noze exclaimed but I still felt bad about cancelling the plan.

"I'm really sorry for the sudden change of plans..."

"Nono it's fine! This is an important step for your career" Noze reassured me.

"Thank you for understanding my love. Let's just send your parents a few gifts as an apology" I told her as she hummed in agreement.

"Ok I have to go now. Bye honey, see you later"

"Bye-byeeee I love youu" Noze cutely answered.

"I love you too" I replied and ended the call.

I sighed in relief after the call and entered back the recording room where Hana noona and the instructor were waiting.

"I guess we're good to go" I told them as Hana noona got excited by jumping from her seat, immediately leading the way.

After moving to a different floor to meet the producer, the process was all smooth. We introduced ourselves to each other and got to know my preferences for him to keep note of for the producing part.

We discussed for more than one hour until it was time for me to go home. On the way out, I saw the aespa girls who also just finished practice.

"Hii oppaa!!" "Hi Y/N!" Winter and Giselle cutely greeted while Ningning and Karina were literally having a race towards me.

"I reached him first" Karina panting while laughing as she held my arm.

"Thats not fair.. You have long legs" The also panting Ningning whined.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked them curiously after witnessing the unexpected one sided race.

"Unnie made a bet for dinner" Ningning still panting, answered me.

"Ningning lost so she's paying hahah" Karina laughed annoyingly as Ningning just glared at her.

"Oppa~ do something about this" Ningning pleaded for help from me.

"Nope. Your fault for accepting a bet against a track and field runner" I chuckled as the two other members also joined us.

"Hahah! even your oppa is on my side" Karina childishly said making Ningning grumpy in a cute way.

"You heading home Y/N?" Giselle asked me as I nodded.

"Wanna join us for dinner?" Winter popped out from the back.

"My girlfriend is waiting for me at home. We're ordering fried chicken" I told them.

"Oooo i see" Giselle replied and suddenly my phone rang as I picked it up.

"Hello~" I answered.

"Are you still at work baby? You're making me worry" My sweet girlfriend replied.

"Don't worry honey, I'm heading home now"

"Hii unniieeee" The aespa girls who overheard our conversation greeted her as she laughed.

"Yeah these kids are also here....." I jokingly answered in annoyance.

"Why won't you invite them for dinner at our home. This house is too quiet" Noze told me as I immediately asked them.

"You guys want to join for dinner? Jihye invited you guys"

"We would love to!" Ningning answered as Karina elbowed her arm.

"Ahem I mean, if you are fine with it" Ningning rephrased her answer making me laugh.

"Of course it's ok. You guys are always welcomed to join" I chuckled.

"So I'll take that as a yes?" Noze spoke out as I hummed in agreement. "Alright, I'll order more foods. See you guys!"

"Ok see you, I love you" I waited for her answer but she just ended the call, maybe she's excited to see aespa again.

"Eh? She just ended the call on me" I spoke out making the aespa girls laugh.

"Alright let's g0. Time to squeeze in my car again" I said as their laugh suddenly came to a stop. Thus the battle for front seat started again. They were busy suggesting games that would be fair for everyone.

After a few bickering, Ningning eventually won but at what cost as she was too embarrassed about it. They ended up on a game where the person with the smelliest socks wins.

"It's ok Ningie. At least you don't have to pay for dinner tonight" I patted her head while driving to ease her embarrassment.

"I'm sorry you had to smell that...." She was still embarrassed cause I was the judge to sniff their socks. I refused at first but they were too eager on choosing the winner, that's how I was sacrificed to sniff their socks.

"It wasn't even that smelly. Care to smell mine?" I asked her as they all laughed.

"Hey don't make me lose my appetite" Karina joked.

"I literally sniffed all your socks! How is that no different" I exclaimed as we all laughed again. We were having a good time in the car towards my home that it felt so quick.

"Hi unnie!!" "I missed you~" The girls spoke out stepping into my home where my girlfriend was waiting with the food orders.

"Hii girls! Welcome-welcome, make yourselves comfy here" Noze welcomed them with a wide smile.

We all then enjoyed the meal together, sharing to each other about our day. But there was a problem, my girlfriend is quite different today. She was more quiet, just responding not initiating anything.

After the dinner was done, we hung out for a moment till it was time for the aespa girls to go back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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