Chapter 8

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Babe's P.O.V

After we finished setting up the stage

and instruments for Tomika and her

group, I looked to see the others finishing their tasks too so we decided

to take a short break since it's been 1

and a half hour ago. We each took a snack from the vending machine but as

always Hudson had a little problem with the vending machine as the snack got stuck on the way and clearly, typical

Hudson decided to stick his whole hand into the machine and try to get his

snacks from it but got stuck in the process. "Oh Hudson couldn't you have asked for help!" Kenzie exclaimed

And trip sighed 'I don't even wanna know how... that happened but I do know

how to get you out but could you give me a hand Freddy?' I asked as I moved

towards Hudson and grabbed his arm or elbow then pulled, Freddy also

grabbed Hudson's other hand and we both pulled him out together, it took a

few tries but after a while we finally pulled him out with the help of oil and grease on the hand that got stuck.

Riiinng! Riing-
'Hey game shakers guess what!' Dub

said immediately Trip answered the

call and connected it to the big screen

'hey Dub, a common hello could have been nice but don't mind me, so what?'

Kenzie said as we continued eating our snacks while listening to Dub. 'Oh shut

your y*p***g Kenzie and just guess' Dub said 'just say it Dad you know we can't

guess right' Trip said 'and are you inside a jet right now?' Lawrence asked 'bingo the kid got one of em. So I got a

proposal from snoop dog to make an album for my comeback' Dub said

'woah Dad that's great, yeah Dub that's

good news,yeah' we all said to him 'yeah so that means vacation's ended so

I will be coming back by the next 2 or 3

months,you guys good without me for some time?' Dub asked as we looked at

each other then nodded "yeah I'm sure we'll be fine having some months without

you" I said to him 'yeah' Kenzie and Trip agreed with me 'hey Dub where's

Bunny and Ruthless?' Hudson asked 'oh yeah Ruthless is flying the jet and

Bunny's helping the chef cook' Dub answered 'well tell them we asked of them' Kenzie said 'yeah sure but what

about the kids you guys wanna use for the songs,are they ready?' Dub asked

"uh yeah,they are ready but haven't decided what songs to use yet" I said

'and they aren't kids anymore,not really or maybe not all of them' Kenzie said as

Tomika moved into the TV's view "Yeah we are young adults now" She said as

her friends moved to join her "ok guys,you do you but if this game doesn't

work out or sell like the others then you are out you hear me OUT

"Of course Dub but we gotta get back to work now and you also have to compose new songs for your comeback"

I said as I got up from the couch and took a book and a pen while the others

say bye to Dub and Trip cuts the call,after that I called their attention as

they all gathered around me to hear my ideas or speech.

'Since you guys are gonna sing different songs for the games, I wanted to see

how you do with this ones,so here with me I have a list of songs that would be

great for the games and I want you guys to sing them now to see how you do with them' I said as I gave Tomika the

book while she passed it round as I spoke. 'We've actually sang some of this

songs before but it's been a long time' Summer said as she passed the book to

Mr. Finn. "Well that's ok but to test your capabilities you are gonna be singing and playing against other bands" I said as I smirked "you don't mean?-- The Hole!" Kenzie and Trip said (*,*)

together but Hudson just gasped to give it a more scary, realistic moment.

Author's Note

Hey guys I am so sorry I completely forgot about my book but I do try to get new ideas for what would get you guys hooked with the story. I won't promise to update regularly or sometimes cause I don't always have network here but what do you guys think they would sing and what's THE HOLE!!! READ THE NEXT CHAPTER TO FIND OUT

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