Chapter 6

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Kenzies' P O.V

I had seen Babe entering the building

through the surveillance cameras and

saw she was on the phone and I

guessed it was probably Henry since he

is the only one who can make her smile

or blush that way after the menage

situation they put her in last season.

Turns out Mason's ex-girlfriend broke

up with him and he just wanted to use

Babe to make her jealous and Blake the

one in the boy band who only thought

of her as his property turns out he was

very possessive and I mean VERY POSSESSIVE

He was very scheming and didn't trust

Babe he was always suspecting her of

having another relationship until he

went out of line and started to suspect

Babe of dating Hudson since they were

always mostly together since Babe was

the only one Hudson fears and listens to the most amongst the three of us.

"After Babe and Tomika's parents died in a car crash, Babe became the sole guardian of Tomika. But Blake, Babe's boyfriend at the time, couldn’t handle the attention Babe was giving Tomika and her friends. He became possessive, controlling, and often violent. He couldn't stand to see her happy if it wasn't with him. Babe knew she had to get tougher, more street-smart, not just for herself, but for Tomika. And when he started getting physical, especially threatening Babe with little Tomika then, Babe knew she 'HAD' to get away from him and fast."

Blake made the mistake of cornering

Babe and Hudson at McDonald's where

he made a scene shouting at Babe for

cheating on him and almost beat up

Hudson but Babe was also a no

nonsense person and also had a little bit

of crazy in her, whenever something

happens to her friends and family. She supports

and defends us when ever we need it or

aren't expecting it, that makes her a true friend.

Babe pushed him away making him

crash into the coffee table immediately

e tried to grab Hudson to beat him up.

Blake didn't give up and stood up

walking closer to Babe and into her

personal space (in her face). 'You have

to choose now Babe,I'm sick and tired

of u standing me up and ignoring me

because of this little Brat!' Blake said

'You do not call my friend a brat idiot,I

think it's clear who I'm choosing' Babe

said to him folding her arms to show

him that she was serious 'you'll regret

this,you'll regret ever choosing them

over me and I will make sure of that' he

said as he walked out of the restaurant with his bandmates

dispelling the tension in the air and also the crowd.

'Hmmn' Babe sighed and took Hudson's

hand pulling him gently towards the

exit ' let's go Hudson' Babe told him as

he followed her "you ok? Babe" Hudson asked

yeah I will be,don't worry about me

let's get you to game shakers first then

I'll go back home, I'm suddenly not feeling so good anymore" Babe said as they got on the train back to game shakers building. "Here we are Hudson give this to Kenzie she'll understand" Babe said as she gave Hudson the voice cam and watched him enter before leaving.
For 2 weeks Babe didn't come to work,and everyday I went to check on her and made sure she ate and took care of herself until she decided to stop sulking and prove Blake wrong about her,

that was when she got tougher and a little bit meaner to others who aren't her friends. She started dressing tomboyishly and didn't care what others thought of her but I could still see that she was still hurting but just decided to lock herself and her heart out from everyone who could hurt her again,until she met Henry and then last year on valentine's day when he asked her to be his girlfriend and she of course said 'Yes' because she also likes him that was Babe's love story for the past 2 years now.

Now Back To The Present

Babe entered the home office while I was checking out the security cam but Babe was on a call so I decided not to disturb her seeing as she was already smiling and laughing I knew it was Henry then she entered and I said
'Guessing from that beautiful smile on your face was it Henry' I said as she smiled and nodded 'yeah it was Henry as a matter of fact' she replied 'Beautiful? You call that smile beautiful more like a deadly blade waiting to cut our heads off' Trip said as he glanced at us while playing the game
"Oh wait till I RIP yours off first" she said as she threw a pen at him

Author's Note
Hey guy's it's been a long time and thankfully I've finished my exams so I will be free for a while now thanks to those of you who voted for my book and those who commented. I will continue to update when I have the time pls thanks so much for reading again

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