Chapter 9

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Tomika's P.O.V

Babe gave us a list of songs we could use for the games,it's great cause we've sung most of them at school and gigs such as
The List Of Songs
1. We're not gonna take it by Twisted Sister

2. Hoodie by Hey Violet

3. Believer by Imagine Dragons

4. Heart attack by Demi Lovato

5. The future starts right now

6. Hide away by Daya

7. Tell me something true

8. Shut up and dance by Walk the moon

9. One call away by Charlie Puth

10. Our Time is now

11. Victorious- Panic at the disco

12. There's nothing holding me back by Shawn Mendes

13. Love yourself by Justin Bieber

14. Are you ready to rock

15. Cups by Pitch Perfect

16. If you believe by Patch Crowe

17. What makes you beautiful by Harry Styles

18. What if I told you I like you by Johnny Orlando and Mackenzie Ziegler

19. Pretty Girl by Maggie

20. Scars to your beautiful by Alessia Cara

And the rest will be added later but

we've at least sung and know 15 of the

songs we know all of the songs but

haven't sung most of them together

before or haven't sung it for a long time.

We decided to rest for the day and just try busy streets first for tomorrow before going to The hole tomorrow morning to test

how much we can still garner the attention of the public and if we still have teamwork by our side.

Author's Note
I'm sorry if this chapter is small but they are gonna sing in Chapter 10 but there is also a surprise for one of the game shakers. Who do you guys think it is or what is the surprise. Read more to find out!!

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