Step 18: Fall prey to family (pt. 1)

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Frey was not known to be a nervous person, not even to his own knowledge, yet as he and Marius passed through the streets of West Kerilia for a second time, he found his hands trembling. He liked to think he'd planned things perfectly, but that was just his own opinion so far.

"I'll pick you up at the same time tomorrow then?" Marius asked as the carriage stopped in front of Frey's family's house. "Same as last time, I mean?"

"I have some things I need you to get for me, by the way," Frey said before getting out. "Or rather for Tea For Two."

"Why am I not surprised?" Marius smirked. "And what does Her Highness require now?"

"It's on this list." Frey handed him a note along with a money pouch, to which Marius rolled his eyes.

"You know I can't—"

"You don't have to," Frey interrupted. "Just show it to the shopkeeper. It's called Beyond Elegance, on Fairweather street."

"And you didn't even draw me a map?"

Frey squinted at him.

"You're joking."


Frey threw a glance at the coach and the footman, who as predicted had finished carrying Frey's luggage inside and began to turn their heads to see what the holdup was.

"Just get the things, stable boy," he said in a louder than usual voice. "It shouldn't be that hard even for you."

"Of course not, my eternally worshipped Lord." Marius exaggerated a subpar bow before closing the carriage door.

Frey knew he was joking again, but he would not have minded a title like that.

His mother, sisters, and his sister in-law were all waiting for him in the entrance hall where they crushed him with a hug he endured solely for the sake of family.

"Now tell us about the horses," Annarósa urged him while trying to pull him with her into the parlour. "I thought you would write to us about your choices but then I also should have known better since it's you."

"You could have talked to the Glowells yourself," Frey suggested, but decisively freed himself from her grip. "And I'm actually going outside for a walk now, so we'll talk later."

Annarósa blinked, looking between him and the door as if doubting her brother even knew what going for a walk meant.

"As you say, we have a reputation to uphold," Frey continued with a tilt of his head as he headed for the door. "Not to mention I've missed the town, despite everything."

"Oh, we'll come with you!" Annarósa suggested with a bright smile, gesturing to the other women as well. "We haven't had a family outing in—"

"No," Frey cut her off too abruptly for any conversation, and he cleared his throat before anyone could reprimand him for it. "I'd like to go alone, just this once."

He noticed Sigveig's sceptical stare, and he could guess what she was thinking. She had with all certainty seen him talking to Marius again from the window. He didn't acknowledge it though. She could criticise him however much she wanted, but as long as it was kept a secret it was none of her business.

He looked up at the darkening sky as he walked. He didn't have much time to waste. Fortunately he'd studied a map of the inner town thoroughly in preparation, or he would have struggled to find his way on foot.

Beyond Elegance was hard to miss once he got to Fairweather Street. Not just because he'd been there multiple times, but because of the radiating atmosphere that struck a person even before entering.

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