Step 22: Fall on your knees

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There had always been a distance between them. A safety net. Something to give Frey an illusion of control when giving the older lords what they wanted.

No, not entirely what they wanted.

He'd been firm with his stance on physical intimacy and foolishly relished in the belief that they respected it, all along unaware that they were humouring him. Waiting for that moment of weakness to break him, to render him desperate, forcing him to swallow his pride and self-respect in favour of retaining his place among them.

He should have known it would happen eventually. He should have known it would be Carrigan who succeeded. Out of all the spineless bloodsuckers, he was by far the most sinister and unfortunately cunning to pinpoint those weaknesses, and would not back down until he'd gotten what he wanted.

So Frey said nothing as his boundaries were broken.

"I thought you'd be a little more into this. You used to be so eager before, after all." Carrigan whispered into his ear. "Back when you thought people respected you."

Frey only stared straight ahead, lips pressed tight together as Carrigan continued.

"Where's that whore who made me watch him for years, forcing information out of me just for looking at him?" He unceremoniously dropped Frey's shirt to the floor before reaching around his waist. "I know that excitement wasn't purely for show."

There was no point in denying that. Carrigan had always been Frey's favourite. Powerful, good looking in an older, dignified way, and the only one who'd given Frey's manipulation and extortion skills a run for their money.

But that was before. Before he'd shown that Frey was not exempt from his derogatory opinions.

"Things have changed," Frey therefore whispered, still avoiding eye contact. "Not just because of how you've treated me lately, but... I'm different now."

"Yes, quite so." Carrigan's voice was dry as he grabbed Frey's shoulders. "One setback from my part and you had to go let a servant— a stable boy— ruin you like that..."

He pushed Frey down on his knees.

"... When the only one who should get to ruin you is me."

Frey averted his gaze as Carrigan removed his breeches. Of course he'd seen it several times, but it had always been from afar. It was different. The heat and pressure as it pushed against him made his head spin, and he closed his eyes.

Carrigan grabbed his chin and tilted his head upwards.

"Look at me," he commanded. "Now be good and open your mouth."

Frey released a trembling breath as Carrigan squeezed his cheeks to force his mouth open. Still, he didn't pull away. It was just once. One night, then he could be with Marius.

But what would Marius say? Frey couldn't lie to him or withhold the truth, so he would find out soon enough. Would he understand?

Frey barely registered Carrigan telling him to lick it. He did as he was told while his mind went through the different reactions Marius might have upon finding out what Frey had done. To save him, to save their relationship. To save his family and West Kerilia.

It was the least painful option, he convinced himself as Carrigan thrust into his mouth and he fought to overcome his gag reflexes.

"Watch your teeth." Carrigan delivered a weak slap to Frey's cheek and the latter did his best to oblige, regrettably feeling a kind of satisfaction as Carrigan twitched from his movement. He wished it was all it would take. That he could finish off their deal with just his mouth, but he knew better. Carrigan would have him all night with the intention to use every minute of it, and no amount of instant pleasure would change that.

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