Step 19: Fall into a dream

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Frey gasped for air, chest heaving as Marius' rough hands squeezed around his hips. Between his warm body pressing him down against the tavern bed's mattress and sharing one deep, burning kiss after another, breathing calmly proved difficult.

"You're so soft," Marius murmured under his breath after their lips separated, moving down to nuzzle into Frey's neck instead.

An unrestrained whimper slipped out of Frey as Marius' hand slid between his thighs, and he hurriedly covered his mouth with a blush.

"No one we know is around." Marius looked up with a smug grin. "You can be as loud as you want."

"S—Still..." Frey uttered, not too fond of the idea of being overheard by anyone, but he wouldn't dream of stopping what they were doing either. Just the sensation of Marius' fingers grazing his sensitive skin was enough for him to come undone, melting into his touch as he was kissed again.

"You want this, don't you?" Marius whispered into his ear, sending a pleasurable tremble through Frey's body. "Imagine how good I'd feel inside you."

Frey opened his mouth to answer, only to be interrupted by a knock on the door. His eyes widened, staring as if someone would come barging through it despite it being locked. No one they knew was there, after all, and it was the middle of the night.

He turned his head to look back at Marius, shocked to find he wasn't there anymore.

"Marius?" he whispered, rolling over on his side to look for him as another knock landed against the door.

Then he woke up.


Frey had never wanted to strangle Damien more than in that moment, and he sat up in his bed with a scowl.


"Haddon informed me that he's been unsuccessful waking you up," Damien continued from behind the door. "Apparently receiving the threat of having a shoe thrown at him last time."

A vague memory of such happening appeared to Frey, but he was too flustered from the dream to go on a rant about his valet tattling on him and his threats. He did take note that he'd recognized the man's name for once though after hearing it for a hundredth time.

"Am I late for something?" He searched his mind for a schedule but without results. With dream-Marius' kisses still burning his lips, his thoughts were apparently reserved for yearning that morning.

Yearning and being disgruntled.

"Not quite, but in a way," Damien said. "Can I come in?"

Frey glanced down at his lower body, pressing his lips together before pulling up the covers.


"It's about the gathering tonight," Damien continued as he entered the room, looking unusually tired. "Apparently the representatives from Verland will be there, which I was informed of just this morning"

"That still doesn't concern me, does it?" Frey raised an eyebrow as Damien pulled out a chair to sit next to the bed. "I have other work to take care of, and you know I'm focusing on local businesses for now."

Damien sighed, a wrinkle having formed on his forehead.

"Yes, I'm aware you haven't been involved in matters overseas since last year, but not only is it time you got back into it if only for the sake of appearances, but we could use someone who knows Verlandic."

"They can speak Wyperan just fine."

"When it comes to medicinal trade I don't want any misunderstandings," Damien insisted. "And as I said, you could stand to show more interest in your work, especially around the other locally involved merchants."

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