Backstory or Preface

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Mattheo's POV

We were screwed... Running from the Gryffindors for the third time in a week. Today is Tuesday.
All because the ferret can't keep his mouth shut and has to make fun of the Gryffindor, seventh graders for the record. Screw him.

The Forbidden Forest loomed ahead of us, its dark trees stretching towards the sky like skeletal fingers. It was a place of mystery and danger, a place where we weren't supposed to go. But desperate times called for desperate measures, and right now, we had no choice but to seek refuge within its depths.

Draco Malfoy, with his slicked-back blonde hair and pointed features, led the way, his fear masked by false bravado. Theodore Nott, with his shaggy brown hair and perpetually furrowed brow, followed close behind, his mind always working on a plan. Lorenzo Berkshire, with his slicked-back black hair and piercing brown eyes, was the muscle of the group, ready to defend us if necessary. And Blaise Zabini, with his dark skin and mysterious aura, was the wildcard, unpredictable but fiercely loyal.

As for me, Mattheo Riddle, I was the troublemaker, the one who always seemed to get us into these situations. With my messy black hair and piercing brown eyes, I was often mistaken for my older brother, Tom Riddle. But while he was the heir of Slytherin, I was just a troublemaker trying to find my place in Hogwarts.

We ran through the forest, our footsteps echoing in the silence. The sound of our pursuers grew louder, their angry shouts filling the air. We knew we couldn't outrun them forever, but we had to try.

"Damn it, Mattheo! This is all your fault!" Draco hissed, his voice filled with anger and fear.

"Oh please, Draco. We all know you can't resist taunting the Gryffindors," I retorted, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

Theodore glanced back, his brow furrowed even deeper. "Guys, we need to find a way out of here. Fast."

We came to a sudden stop in front of an impasse, the path blocked by a fallen tree. Panic set in as we realized there was no way out.

"Fuck," Blaise muttered, his eyes darting around in search of an escape route.

"We're screwed," Lorenzo said, his voice filled with defeat.

We began to yell at each other, our frustration and fear boiling over. The big boys caught up to us, their smirks growing wider as they saw our predicament. And then, the fight began.

The tension between the two groups had been brewing for years, as they constantly clashed on the Quidditch field and in the classroom. And today, it all came to a head as they engaged in an epic fight.

Spells flew through the air as both sides used every ounce of their magical abilities to try and gain the upper hand. Draco, with his sharp wand movements and sly tactics, led the charge against the Gryffindors. Me, with my superior defensive skills, shielded their group from the onslaught of spells.

Enzo and Blaise, both proficient in dark magic, unleashed powerful curses on their opponents. And Theo, with his strategic thinking and quick reflexes, fought fiercely beside his friends.

But amidst the chaos and chaos, a surprising turn of events occurred. As we fought side by side, we began to realize something: despite our differences and animosity between us , we were a formidable team.

Their spells began to weave and intertwine, creating a magical shield that protected us from the Gryffindors' attacks. We worked in perfect harmony, anticipating each other's moves and flawlessly executing their own. It was a sight to behold, as enemies became allies in the heat of battle.

It was a blur of fists and kicks, of pain and anger. We fought with everything we had, but in the end, we were no match for our older, stronger opponents. They left us broken and bruised, lying in the dirt of the Forbidden Forest.

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