one step forward and two steps back

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As I entered my new room at Hogwarts, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness. This was my first year at Hogwarts even thought i'm 16 so i'm suppose to be at the sixth. I couldn't wait to explore everything this magical school had to offer.

Before I could fully settle into the room, a girl with dark hair and piercing blue eyes walked in. She introduced herself as Pansy Parkinson, a fellow Slytherin. Curiosity sparkled in her eyes as she asked, "So, Anastasia Flamel, huh? You must come from quite the extraordinary family. Tell me, what's it like being the heir of the Philosopher's Stone creator?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at Pansy's enthusiasm. "Well, it's quite fascinating, to be honest. There's always this air of mystery surrounding my family history. My parents have always taught me about the importance and power of alchemy. It's something I'm proud of, but it comes with its fair share of responsibilities as well."

As we continued chatting, Pansy began telling me about the boys at Hogwarts, eager to share her knowledge with me. She mentioned names like Mattheo and Theo, her eyes gleaming as she described their appearances. When Anya mentioned that Theo seemed a bit rude to her, Pansy couldn't help but giggle mischievously.

"Oh, trust me," Pansy smirked, "Theo is quite infamous for his aloof attitude. But don't worry, I'm sure he just needs a bit of warming up. Plus, there are plenty of other hot guys at Hogwarts you can set your eyes on."

We sat there, chatting and laughing for hours. Pansy wasn't afraid to be explicit:
"I'm serious! Blaise has the longest dick, I think around 23 cm, but Mattheo also has a python down there" and at one point, I had to interrupt her, laughing, "Woah, Pansy! That's enough details for now!"

Pansy chuckled, realizing she might have gone a bit too far. "Sorry, Anya, I got carried away. But hey, you can count on me for some thrilling gossip sessions anytime."

As the evening wore on, we decided to change into our pajamas. I couldn't help but notice Pansy's Victoria Secret ensemble and playfully remarked, "Looking fancy, huh? Should I call you my favourite bitch now?"

Pansy burst into laughter and responded, "Oh, definitely! You can call me a bitch, and I'll call you one too. From now on, we're the two bitches of Hogwarts!" She said ironically.

We chatted some more, sharing stories about our families, dreams, and ambitions, gradually creating a bond of friendship. Finally, feeling the effects of a long day, we decided it was time to sleep. As we settled into our beds, Pansy turned to me with a mischievous smile.

"You know what, Anya? I think I just found my favorite girl."

I giggled, feeling a warmth in my heart, and replied, "And you, Pansy, are my favorite too. Goodnight, my bitch."

And just like that, we drifted off to sleep.


As I stirred in my uncomfortable bed, still half-asleep, I groaned at the thought of starting my first day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I had always dreamed of attending this prestigious school, but the reality of it seemed much less inviting. Nevertheless, I mustered the strength to get up and prepare for the day.

The sun had just begun to peek over the horizon as I decided to take a little walk near the enchanting Black Lake. Its still waters reflected the sky like a shimmering sheet of glass, creating a serene atmosphere that helped ease my nervousness. I took a deep breath, marveling at the beauty of my surroundings.

As I approached the edge of the lake, I noticed a figure standing nearby, seemingly lost in thought. It was a tall guy with an air of mystery about him. Dark-haired and with striking brown eyes, he exuded an undeniable allure. Intrigued, I couldn't help but be drawn to him.

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