3 vs 1 {71}

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As Kenzo continued his relentless assault on the swarming monsters, the strange feeling in his chest grew more pronounced. It was an unfamiliar sensation, like a subtle vibration resonating through his body. Ignoring it for the time being, he focused on the task at hand, seamlessly blending his incredible speed with the assistance of his shadow soldiers.

Igris and Choso, the shadow soldiers, followed Kenzo's lead with precision, slashing through the monsters with deadly efficiency. Hanami, the tank, held the frontline, absorbing blows and providing Kenzo with the necessary space to execute his lightning-fast attacks.

Despite the overwhelming numbers of monsters, Kenzo's skills seemed unmatched. His every movement was a dance of death, and the monsters fell like leaves in a storm. However, the strange sensation in his chest persisted, growing more mysterious and concerning.

As Kenzo fought on, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The monsters, though relentless, seemed almost mindless in their pursuit. It was as if they were driven by an external force rather than their own instincts. Kenzo began to wonder if there was a greater power at play, orchestrating this onslaught.

Time skip

Kenzo, having gained a few levels from the relentless slaughter of creatures in the dungeon, decided it was time to take a well-deserved rest. However, his heightened senses, honed by battle, suddenly screamed at him to move. Without hesitation, he instinctively leaped away just as a wave of ice encased the spot where he had stood moments before. In mid-air, his senses alerted him again, prompting him to teleport to safety just in time to evade another unseen attack.

As he materialized a few feet away, Kenzo surveyed the area, ready for whatever had assaulted him. To his surprise, he found himself face-to-face with two individuals.

The first was a colossal and muscular man, his tan skin standing out against the ragged skirt adorned with a thick silver fur waistline. Glowing yellow eyes and wild black hair framed a face with sharp teeth. The man's imposing figure was further emphasized by the silver fur pelts and gold-trimmed white armor that adorned his right shoulder and groin area

 The man's imposing figure was further emphasized by the silver fur pelts and gold-trimmed white armor that adorned his right shoulder and groin area

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Kenzo's battle-ready posture hinted at his readiness to face these new adversaries, as he awaited any signs of their intentions or the nature of the threat they posed. The encounter in the dungeon had taken an unexpected turn, and Kenzo's instincts were on high alert.

As Kenzo observed the second figure, he encountered a muscular old elf with distinctive features. The elf's blue skin contrasted with his long silver hair, a single strand gracefully hanging over the right side of his face. His eyes were an eerie blank white, and his round ears denoted his elvish nature. Draped in a ragged white cloak with a black collar, he wore a tattered white shirt, ragged black pants, and a pair of sturdy black boots.

 Draped in a ragged white cloak with a black collar, he wore a tattered white shirt, ragged black pants, and a pair of sturdy black boots

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