The domains {113}

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Kenzo's voice, devoid of fear, echoed through the smoke-filled crater. "Fine, if you want to play rough, then let's do this!" He didn't teleport, opting instead to charge at Gojo in a display of raw power. His dark form blurred as he closed the distance, his movements honed by years of combat.

Gojo met the challenge head-on. His Limitless hummed around him, ready to deflect any blow. Kenzo's first strike, a powerful haymaker aimed at Gojo's jaw, seemed destined to connect. But as it neared its target, Gojo's body flickered, seemingly teleporting a fraction of an inch away. The punch slammed into empty air, the wind whistling harmlessly past Gojo's ear.

Gojo retaliated with a swift kick aimed at Kenzo's knee, hoping to disrupt his momentum. But before it connected, a ripple of dark energy emanated from Kenzo's hand, warping the space around the kick. Gojo's foot passed through the distorted space, missing its mark entirely. Kenzo capitalized on the opening, launching a flurry of punches and kicks, each one imbued with the same gravity manipulation.

Gojo danced through the assault, his Limitless activated and pushing its limits. He used Blue to absorb Kenzo's attacks, redirecting their force harmlessly away. He attempted Red to reverse the gravity manipulation, but Kenzo's counter was instantaneous, negating the effect with his own dark energy. The clash became a chaotic spectacle of speed, power, and nullification.

Gojo, despite his best efforts, felt the strain. The constant nullification of his techniques was draining his cursed energy. He knew he couldn't sustain this for long. He needed a new strategy, a way to break through Kenzo's defenses.

His eyes narrowed as he focused on Kenzo's movements. He noticed a subtle tremor in Kenzo's hands whenever he activated his gravity manipulation. It was miniscule, almost undetectable, but Gojo's keen senses caught it. This was his opening.

Gojo feigned a lunging attack. As Kenzo reacted, activating his gravity manipulation, Gojo instead dropped to the ground, rolling beneath Kenzo's outstretched arm. The tremor in Kenzo's hand was more pronounced this time, momentary but undeniable.

Seizing the opportunity, Gojo unleashed a burst of Maximum: Cursed Reversal, not at Kenzo directly, but at the space around his hand where the tremor originated. The effect was subtle, a brief disruption in the flow of cursed energy.

For a split second, Kenzo's gravity manipulation faltered. Gojo, with lightning speed, launched himself up, his fist imbued with Red: Cursed Technique Reversal. The punch, empowered and unopposed, connected squarely with Kenzo's jaw.

The impact sent a shockwave through the air, kicking up dust and debris. Kenzo stumbled back, momentarily stunned. Gojo, his white hair whipped by the wind, stood poised, a flicker of triumph in his eyes.

Gojo, a whirlwind of white hair and boundless confidence, weaved through Kenzo's relentless assault. Blows rained down, each one imbued with the dark energy of gravity manipulation, but Gojo's Limitless technique held firm. He deflected, absorbed, and reversed, a dance of blue and red blurring around him.

Kenzo, however, wasn't just brute force. He observed, analyzed, and adapted. He noticed a pattern in Gojo's movements, a subtle hesitation before each Blue absorption, a near-imperceptible twitch before a Red reversal. It was the telltale sign of a finite reserve, even for the limitless Gojo.

With a sly grin, Kenzo feinted a powerful right hook, the tremor in his hand a familiar cue to Gojo. But instead of activating gravity manipulation, Kenzo channeled his dark energy differently. The air shimmered, and Gojo, anticipating the nullification, instinctively activated Blue.

But there was no gravity to absorb. Instead, Kenzo had manipulated the space itself, creating a localized fold that sent Gojo hurtling through the air, disoriented and momentarily separated from his Infinity barrier.

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