The death of the Zenin clan (91)

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So the plan was simple really, Maki would go to the Zenin clan to get some curse tool, Yuki and Mahito would stay behind to protect Tengen, and Kenzo would eventually have to come back from time to time just in case because Tengen was quite paranoid that she may get sniped.

Kenzo would also be near Yuji when he is not looking over the overgrown thumb as he was the only living person alive who could vibe check the king of curses.

Yuta would be on his own, Yuji and Megumi were supposed to go find a guy that really liked gambling.

If he was honest Kenzo could really handle all of that just fine, he just didn't like the fact that he couldn't open the back of the prison realm, for Christ sake he even started to use Domain amplification.

He could visibly feel the seal weakening when he was doing it as technically he was neutralizing the seal, although there seemed to be something stopping him, he felt like if he had done that then something bad might happen to Gojo.

As if there was some sort of kill switch in place........Kenzo sighs to himself....guess he really needs to find the front of the prison realm and try it that way.

"I will get you out of there blindfolded dumbass," Kenzo said as he held the cube in his hands before putting it back inside his mini pocket.

Pov change.

"Well look who showed up, those scars seem to have left a mark, "Naoya said looking at Maki.

"You judge women based on their appearence,and here i though you only looked at their ass"Maki added looking at Naoya who just looked annoyed saying "What bring you here scum"

"What did Kenzo abandoned you after he realize how useless you were,did he leave you after seing those scars on your body"Naoya said with a smile on his face.

"Unlike you, he is not like that"Maki replied quite bluntly.

He seemed enraged and wanted to hit her badly before the fear of what that monster might do to him scared him shitless, he remembered that day like the back of his hands, the day when he had met a death god....the day that he had almost died.

Instead of getting to angry he just stood up and walk away as Maki continued on her way toward the Zenin clan warehouse.

It didnt really help that her mom insult kind of invaded her ears but Maki was not paying attention to them at all,out of nowhere Maki then felt her curse energy in her body disappearing slowly as a tear fell down her cheek.

She was crying and as she open the vault,she saw it....her sister corpse.

Maki rushed toward Mai and rushed toward her body checking for a pulse.

"Mai..Mai..wake up..get up..please wake up"Maki said as tear fell down her cheek,Mai body was visibly hurt as the light in her eyes seem to be slowly vanish.

"You..idiot..why did you come here"Mai said coughing up blood.

"Breath...Breath"Maki said to her sister trying to stich up her sister wounds but nothing had worked.

"I'm sorry that I was a burden to you," Mai said, blood dripping down her face.

"No, you are not a burden. You are my sister," Maki replied, doing her best to stitch up her sister's wounds.

"I will take away all the curse energy that we share with my death but not before giving you a gift," Mai said, and a sword appeared near Maki's leg.

As Maki held the sword, she could hear her sister's voice urging her to kill them all. Soon after, Mai died in her arms.

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