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The Pocket Farm was an old, quiet place. It used to be teeming with members from the large family, but after several deaths and busy schedules, hardly anyone was home anymore. This made it simpler for Cosette to move in, but more difficult for Matthew to go back to. Neither had been given good food for quite some time, so Matthew decided to cook a meal and brew some tea. 

"Do you live here alone?" Cosette asked, trying to break silence. 

"I sort of do." Matthew replied. "I have several children, lots of them with very busy jobs. They don't visit often. I believe the last time I saw them was my wife's funeral." 

"Oh. I'm terribly sorry about that." said Cosette.

"It's alright. Both she and one of my sons have passed on, but I'm learning to live with it." explained Matthew. 

There was another moment of silence before Cosette then said, "I lied before. About not knowing where my mother is. I do know." 

"Really?" Matthew asked. "Where is she?" 

"She's dead too." Cosette answered. "She caught tuberculosis and we didn't have the money to get her help." 

Matthew stopped focusing on the food and tea. "And that's why you had no place to go?" 

Cosette nodded. 

"Well," Matthew began to suggest, "if you've got no one else, you could always live here." 


"Of course. There's plenty of extra bedrooms. Plus, the company would be quite nice, and I do think that if my kids ever choose to visit, they'll quite like you." 

Cosette smiled. "Thank you. I believe I'd like them too." 

Matthew then nodded. "Y'know, you remind me a tad of my son Herbert." 


"You didn't tell me you had a brother!" Pip exclaimed, exasperated. 

"Sorry. I kinda forgot about that." admitted Damien. 

Josh then stared at his brother. "Wow. Thanks for that, Damien."

"I'm sorry!" Damien apologized. "I didn't think you'd get out of jail!" 

"Well I did. I got out of jail pretty easily, actually. It was easier than Yardale." Josh replied. 

Damien paused for a moment. "You were at Yardale?" 

Josh nodded. "I was captured there- and escaped no thanks to you. I know you broke in." 

Huffing, Damien said, "I didn't know you were there! And- we were literally going to break in again today to rescue you." 

"Well you took too long." said Josh. 

Pip grinned. "I told you, Damien!" 

"Pip, if we would've gone at the time you planned to, there wouldn't have been anyone there. They already escaped. Be glad I knew to come here." Damien said, rolling his eyes. 

"Oh. Right."

Just then, Damien thought he heard noise coming from inside his old room. "Is someone in there?" 

Josh quickly admitted, "I didn't know you'd be here." 

Damien gave Josh a very confused look, and was going to ask what he meant until Trent opened the door and walked out. Both Trent and Damien then began to stare intensely at each other. 

"Who's this?" Trent asked. 

"I should be asking that, dickwad." said Damien. "Do you have a boyfriend, Josh? And are you seriously making him sleep in MY room?" 

"He is not my boyfriend." Josh immediately answered. "This is Trent. He was one of the others that escaped Yardale, and he had no other place to stay." 

"Aww, so you let him stay with you? You are such a stupid bitch, Josh." Damien laughed. 

"How am I the 'stupid bitch' when you're the one who forgot you had a brother?" Josh then questioned. 

"You clearly forgot to tell your boyfriend you had a brother too." 

"He's not my boyfriend! And I've only known him for a few days, why would I be telling him all about my family?" 

Trent agreed. "He didn't even tell me his dad was Satan until after we walked into Hell." 

"And it didn't even matter, because he wasn't there." added Josh. "Do you know where he is? I want to talk to him." 

Damien then awkwardly stared at Josh for a while. He didn't think now was the right time to explain that their father was dead. "I'll tell you later." 

The End of Yardale Part IWhere stories live. Discover now