Chapter 6

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Zion's pov

to the garage to find Nick's favorite car I knew for sure it's one of his expensive cars I searched for a while until I found it I've memorized the number and the model,mustang

Wondering around it admiring it and then openes one of the spray's I choice the pink one so it's noticeable I sparing it all around writing basically insulting when I finished I stepped back admiring the masterpiece I just did then I grabbed the baseball bat and smashed the windows of the car I shattered all the windows into pieces I approached the car and got on the hood then smashed the windshield multiple times till it's all destroyed

His car is now destroyed that's what he gets for disrespecting me like a bitch, since I couldn't just kill him like that, that's the most pathetic thing I could do to fuck his mood up, I look around and see cameras since he sure gonna watch it to see who destroyed his car, I pulled my middle finger up to the camera, and I walk out of the clubs garage to my car I gets in and sees Angelina still sleeping like a baby I smiled to Myself and then drivies back to the apartment we goes back to whenever we're drunk...

We arrived to the apartment I parked my car and gets out of the car I walks to the passenger seat I opened the door and holds Angelina's arm drags her out of the seat I shuts the door open the locked the car.. She's giggling and saying random stuff out of blue I didn't know she was that drunk we gets to the front door I pulls out the. Keys, opened the front door we walks inside she's still holding onto me for her dear life..

I closed the door behind and locked I walks her to the bedroom and pushes her into the bed she adjusted herself and fell asleep immediately I grabbed the cover sheets then covered her I walks out of the bedroom Closes the door behind I walks to the living room, crashed on the couch without even taking my blazer I was drunk too but not so so drunk i was thinking about what I did to Nick's car a smirk appers on my lips I was thinking about his face when and his reaction when he sees his lovely car like that while thinking about what I did I fell asleep on the couch...

I startled awake from another nightmare I slowly sits up on the couch my body sore and I'm sweating hell I was deep in thoughts till Angelina calls my name and I snaps back to reality..

"zion you good? You're sweating and all pale and what the hell is wrong with your face " she said and wipes my forehead

I just looks up at her and shrugged one shoulder
"nothing just another nightmare and I got into a fight with Nicholas " I said she gives me those sad eyes and hugs me tightly tries to comfort me
But I was slightly uncomfortable by the physical touch while I was recovering from the nightmare

"I'm sorry about your nightmares I hope you getting better " she said.
I was still sitting there as if I can't move or something my mind was still on the nightmares I had again
She let go of me and taps my head
"go take a shower and get ready I Make breakfast" she said I nodded my head and goes to the bathroom to take a shower

After a while I finished taking shower and wrapped a towel around myself I walks out of the bathroom, goes to the bedroom, I opened the closet I grabbed a short tight black dress, a black long coat and a shoulder bag

I brushes my hair and dries it with a hair-dryer I just let it fall because I usually don't tie my hair.. I just put on lip gloss and mascara I didn't have energy to put on full face makeup I walks out of the bedroom while checking my phone

"breakfast is ready" Angelina yells from the kitchen

"Im Coming" I answered and entered the kitchen the breakfast she's fucking my mind with is just toset and coffee since none of us can cook..

I sits at the dining table and puts my phone on the table I grabs the toast take a bite..

"did you have another argument with daddy?" she suddenly asked

"don't call that asshole daddy" I answered "He's just the biggest asshole" I added biting on the fucked up toast

"You're not explaining what he did" she said confused

"He breaths!he exist!" I exclaimed, "I need him dead for Fuck sake"

"his brother is hot though" she said while playing with her hair with a dreamy expression

"I almost killed him but the cops arrived and. Fucked everything " I said with a disgust face

"Jesus you and your fights with him" she said and gave me a confused look

"Don't start " I said annoyingly

"no but you guys are like mouse and cat I blame none of you" she said with a smirk and sips her coffee

"I destroyed his car the lovely mustang of him I also stabbed his shoulder " I said and take a bite of the toast, she choked her coffee and looks at me

"Why im not surprised?" she said I roll my eyes
"he pays for getting on my way till the day I kill him" I said sips my coffee

"zion you only makes this war between you and him even worse" she said With concern I scoffed like it's not already a war going on? What he can possibly do? Everything started between us because he was just jealous like a kid, I mean I still didn't like the guy when I saw him, but still I didn't want to make myself enemies more than we already have

"tell me that when I gave a fuck there's this war is gonna continue till one of us getting killed by each other hand" I said and gets up I grabs my phone and bag..

"going" I said and Sunter to the front door..

"good luck bestie" she yells from behind I chuckles and get out of the apartment closed the door behind...

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