chapter 48

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With a sharp intake of breath to anchor yourself, you hasten to catch up with Ghost, Soap, and the rest of your team. You find them moving in a disciplined formation, their steps synchronized and purposeful as they head toward the extraction point.

Ghost, always keenly aware of his surroundings, glances over his shoulder. His eyes briefly meet yours, and in that fleeting moment, you silently plead with him not to notice the pain you're desperately trying to conceal. The jungle around you seems to conspire against your progress, its dense undergrowth making each step more laborious, especially with the persistent throb pulsing from your side.

Despite the discomfort, you force yourself to keep pace with the team, your senses remaining sharply tuned for any lurking danger. Soap's voice crackles through the radio, slicing through the tension.

"We've got a perimeter," he announces, his voice tight with apprehension. "I have eyes on a couple of enemy units up ahead. Looks like they spotted us."

A brief pause punctuates his words as he assesses the situation. "We don't have much time to make it to extraction," he adds, urgency lacing his tone. "Let's cut through the trees and go straight for it."

You watch as Ghost acknowledges Soap's plan with a sharp nod, an unspoken signal of readiness. Taking the lead, he guides the team through the jungle's dense foliage, his movements efficient and decisive. You follow closely, pushing through the thick vegetation, aware of the dwindling time and the imperative to reach the extraction point swiftly.

As your team navigates the dense forest, the increasing hum of a helicopter rotor promises the nearing extraction. But this fleeting sense of relief is abruptly shattered.

To your left, gunfire erupts, a harsh and sudden burst that shatters the fragile calm. Bullets zip past, their sharp whistles a perilous symphony. Ghost, with a soldier's instinct, finds refuge behind a large tree trunk, gesturing frantically for you to disperse.

Chaos reigns, and in its midst, a grenade lands alarmingly close. The subsequent explosion propels you against a tree, the impact jarring every bone in your body. In the corner of your vision, you see Soap pinned down, fiercely engaged in a gunfight with an unseen adversary. Ghost, attempting to outflank the enemy, is thwarted by a sudden surge of opposing forces.

The extraction point, once a beacon of hope, now seems like a distant dream as you find yourselves ensnared, encircled by danger.

The weight of the predicament bears down on you; it's an ambush, and your path to freedom is rapidly diminishing.

Glancing to your right, you catch sight of Ghost, his body pressed against another tree. His eyes, sharp and calculating, assess the encircling enemy. Determination sets his jaw as he pulls a grenade from his gear.

His hushed words to Soap, "I'm gonna flush them out," barely reach your ears before he hurls the grenade towards the enemy. The explosion that follows is deafening, sending the enemy soldiers into disarray as shrapnel tears through the air.

Seizing the moment, Ghost springs into action, his rifle barking out rounds at the disoriented and retreating forces.

Struggling to regain your bearings, you force yourself upright, the world tilting around you. A persistent ringing in your ears muffles the sounds of battle, rendering everything distant and surreal.

Instinct drives your hand to your forehead, where you encounter the unmistakable wetness of blood. The sight of crimson on your fingers confirms a minor injury, but it's enough to make your vision momentarily blur.

Yet, it's determination, not clarity, that fuels your next actions. Brushing aside the pain and disorientation, you grip your weapon with renewed purpose. You're ready to re-enter the fray, to stand alongside Ghost, Soap, and the rest of your team.

A Nurse and Their Ghost | Simon Riley "Ghost" x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now