Chapter 19 - Training

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Johanna and I have dinner in her room right after our activities. I can only say that we also have dessert... We wake up in the morning to knocks on the door, probably Plumeria's equivalent of the tributes from 7. 

Reluctantly I get up, take a look in Johanna's closet and put on her clothes. I approach the bed again to say goodbye to her and then leave to go up to my floor. Hunter, Anastasia and Plumeria are already sitting down eating breakfast when I arrive.

"Where were you?" Plumeria is the only one here who doesn't know about my relationship with Johanna.

Anastasia and Hunter are trying to hold back their laughter.

"I was riding around," I say sarcastically. It wasn't a lie... I just didn't say who I was riding...

Plumeria blushes and decides to drop the subject. I join them for breakfast and during this time Anastasia, Hunter and I discuss some training strategies.

As soon as we've finished eating and discussing the training, Plumeria sends me up to my room to put on the clothes that have been set out for me. I change from Johanna's clothes into the training clothes and put my hair up in a simple ponytail. When I get back to where everyone was, I realize that Hunter went down without me. Before I can allow myself to get angry about this, Anastasia approaches me and wraps me in a hug. Her mouth comes close to my ear.

"Listen carefully," she begins extremely secretively. "we're facing a rebellion that's about to take place. I can't give you too many details, but other districts are also involved. Besides that, your main task, as well the task of the other tributes who have agreed to take part in the cause, is to protect the symbol of the rebellion, Katniss. All I ask is that you trust me and I'll give you more information as soon as I can, okay?"

I nod discreetly. We know we're being watched. I can't even show surprise or any other feeling that would make me look suspicious. A rebellion? What does this mean? Which districts are involved? Which other tributes know about it? I can only imagine that at the very least Hunter knows all this. Speaking of Hunter, it's so weird reliving all this, everything and anything brings back memories of my Games, memories of Gavril. It's strange that this time the other tribute from my district isn't my brother.

I go down to the area where the training takes place and there I notice that the vast majority of the tributes haven't arrived yet. Only Hunter, Katniss, Peeta, Enobaria and Brutus are present, apart from me. The woman who runs the training, Atala, waits until ten o'clock in the morning for us to start. By that time there are about 12 of us. She tells us the list of training stations and then releases us to choose whichever one we want.

I notice the boy from 12, Peeta, following Brutus and Chaff to the spear-throwing station. Clever boy, trying to make allies for sure. Meanwhile, Katniss heads towards the knot-tying station. Trying to decide what to do first, I watch Johanna go to the axe station, then decide to follow her.

I smile at Johanna as soon as she realizes I've followed her. "If you give me a few lessons on how to use an axe, I can teach you some knife and sword tricks."

Apart from the fact that I already know how to wield knives relatively well because of my work in District 10, the knife station had been my main choice during my first Games. The sword was just a consequence of my choice of weapon in the arena, which means I ended up getting the hang of it.

Johanna smiles mischievously back. "Of course, Princess."

I can never stop shivering when she calls me that, no matter how sarcastic she is being. I shake my head, trying to rid myself of the inappropriate thoughts and feelings Johanna brings me.

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