Everything is same and yet so different

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After his parent's death Yoichi stayed in Japan for 2 months , with Amandine going back and forth between Japan and Paris , though there were no words said as to why she is there and why is she doing all this for a person whom she had been just fucking regularly for the last 4 months , despite the fact that he had already told her on their first night that there will no love for him ever and even the reason as to why .

But Amandine knew that even though they weren't in any relationship or anything but they cared a lot about each other as of they were a family . Amandine being the only child whose mother died right after giving her birth and his father never ever had a moment of love with her but after meeting Yoichi she felt loved . Though she would pray any Gods to have Yoichi's romantic love but she tries her best to be content with this feeling that Yoichi arouses in her .

Yoichi's love is like as if she was out on streets in winter for such a long time and he came and wrapped his love like the warmest possible blanket on Earth . Attention and kindness that Yoichi showered on his loved ones which now included her , made her so grateful and it makes her warm upto every unit of her being so when she heard about the accident she came running without any second thoughts and even now she is by Yoichi's side when they are surrounded by media on Paris airport .

Amamdine asks media to not ask anything to Yoichi and do their job from a distance and they complied by taking Yoichi's pictures from a distance who's wearing black mourning clothes with head hanging low . One photographer somehow managed to capture his face from the front but his face gave no emotion as if he'd lost all of them with his parents , his once oh so expressive lovely deep blue ocean eyes were so void now , as if they're looking at something so distant that he knows he can't see it or will ever be able to touch it again but his mind still wanders into that hole in hope of finding a cure to his pain .

It's been 6 months to his return in Paris and 8 months to his parent's departure . Amandine had been long gone to UK for her master's but she still calls or messages him daily and she's 24/7 available for Yoichi to comfort him during his breakdown even though he forces her to enjoy her new found relationship but she says that they are a family so they'll stick together always , and Yoichi feels the same way so he unhestitatingly calls her whenever the need arises . 

Yoichi knows that he can talk to Rin and Bachira about this and he knows that they are always there for him but he knows it will fuck up their schedules and their matches if they'd to calm his panic attacks at 3 fucking a.m. in the morning so he tries his best to portray that he is getting better at managing without his parents . Yoichi is so so happy that Bachira and Rin have gotten into a relationship while he was in Japan and he feels so lucky to have them as his friends , both them try their best to cheer Yoichi up at their every waking hour .

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