Past ⌛⏳

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Yoichi sighed and then smiled nervously at them , only after bracing himself for the stream of questions did he begin to talk , " Hello aunty , I have missed you a lot and hii Amy and well guys Amy is right there is someone right here with me , out of your views . Hiyori it's definitely someone very special or I daresay the most important person in my life right now but not in the way you people are thinking. Let me bring him to you but please guys keep your voices down or you might scare him like it's really serious . Okay . ? " , he finished

Everyone nodded but Bachira couldn't control his curiosity and declared that it's a pet that Yoichi is talking about and most them seemed to agree with him . Yoichi went upto the little sleeping figure of the boy and covered his ears with the sound proof earmuffs and walked back to his previous seating in front of the TV.

Everyone's eyes went wide and shock was quite visible on their faces but before any of them could day anything Yoichi started explaining , " Umm ...this is Issei and he is my son " , Yoichi stared at his boy , the whole time with the fondest look in his eyes .

" What ? " , everyone shouted together

" Let me continue . You see before I came to Bluelock I had been in a relationship with a girl named Karin for two years after being best friends with her for 1 year but one day she suddenly left me to continue her study in Germany or that's what she made me believe and Issei is our son . " , Yoichi finally looked up through little tears in his eyes that weren't visible to anyone .

" The day she brokeup with me was the same day when I received the invitation for the Bluelock project and I was more than happy to welcome the distraction from the misery . So, for 1 year I was in Bluelock and apparantly during that time Karin gave birth to Issei , after that for 2years I have been here , in paris so that it means I wasn't aware of his existence up until this morning. " , Yoichi looked down at the boy sleeping soundly in his arms

" What ? but why didn't she tell you about the baby up until now and then why now ? " , Amy said ou loud what had been bugging others

Yoichi rubbed his face with his free hand while other was supporting Issei's head " It was three weeks before our graduation , she discovered that she had been suffering from Leukemia for past 6 months . It progressed faster than normal in her case and doctor told her parents that she won't make it further than the coming year .

So, she decided that it would be best if I stay away from her and to make sure that I won't ever be able to get to know the truth about her illness from anybody else as well , she brokeup with me and went away to Germany with her parents for her illness and his father's new job.

But , before doing any of that and after one week of discovering her illness , she called me at her home and we were alone , and that's how this happened. " , Yoichi whispered and brushed Issei's cheek with his free hand.

" Yocchan , we were 17 when we joined Bluelock so , that means she gave birth at that age . I mean that was risky , why would she do that ? why didn't she tell you about it ? " , Bachira said

" Her parents came to my house in the morning and we talked about all of this and they answered all of my questions. One of the questions I asked was this only , to which her mother replied that she surely asked her daughter to abort the child as it was going to shorten her life further . But, Karin said she is gonna go away after one year or maybe the year after that but as a last wish she wanted our child to exist in this world , as a memory that she once existed in this world and my life .

She also made her parents promise , about not to tell me any of this ever cuz she believed that she did me wrong in more than one way . First by breaking my heart and then by hiding the fact that a child about whom I very much deserve to know was kept away from me. She died last week so after her funeral her parents decided to go back to japan and they were planning to take Issei with them but they wanted to introduceme to Issei before leaving .

They believed that I have every right to know about the existence of my child and they even said that Issei doesn't deserve to growup without the love of his parents even if it is only one of them .

I asked them to live with both of us and even come to Germany with me next month but they refused saying that they want to do some rituals for their daughter in Japan but they promised that they'll join us very soon ", Yoichi finished looking up

" Oh, but Yocchan how is this boy okay living with an unknown person and without his grandparents " , Bachira's mother said concernedly

Yoichi smiled warmly and said , " His mother had been showing him footage of each every game I have ever played since Bluelock and she made sure to highligh me and talked about me all the time. She even showed him our school pictures and my present Instagram photos and thanks to all her efforts that Issei is familiar and comfortable with me .

Issei is apparently my fan too and so his grandparents had bribed him that I'll teach him football and then he will be ableto play in a very big stadium and that's when his mother will come and watch him " , Yoichi's eyes were brimming with unshed tears 

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