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I was angry

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I was angry.

Actually, let me rephrase that. I was pissed.

Mostly on what's happening right now.

The moment Echo finally managed to haul me out of the artillery deck by literally grasping a tight hand around my bicep, I felt the Force radiating around me in anticipation.

We had the perfect opportunity...right there to snatch Crosshair away while he was unconscious to get that damn chip out of his kriffing head! If it meant having to knock his ass out multiple times in order detain him, then so be it.

But the fact that we're making less of an effort to get Crosshair back by any means, is really frustrating.

And I mostly blame Hunter on this one.

I mean seriously, how can Hunter stand by and not do anything to get Crosshair back besides pointing a blaster at him? The only thing that Hunter is actually doing right now is getting us off this venator and that wasn't helping ease my hot-headed self at the moment.

Despite that I am upset, hell, even at Crosshair for being a such a freaking asshole, I had to push away those thoughts for now as we finally arrived at the ion engine chamber. Which, I was surprised to see we were here as I move my flashlight around to see how huge the engine was.

If this were to turn on, I most certainly would not want to stand around here to wait and find out.

"The ion engine chamber?" Wrecker suddenly ask as he looked around to see the giant metal crater surrounding around us.

"Why'd you bring us here?" Looking towards Tech, demanding an explanation as I took notice to see Tech helping Omega gently step onto the narrow passageway we were trailing on with Tech explaining his reasoning.

"Because this is our alternate egress off the cruiser." He stated.

>>"He means this is our only way off the cruiser." Translating Tech's words for Wrecker to understand as I'd figured Wreck wouldn't know what the word 'egress' meant given how Tech is literal dictionary at times.

I glance back to see Wrecker struggling to carry the crate of explosions on his back as he shifted his weight to make sure he didn't fall off the catwalk.

">> Here Wrecker, let me help you." I used the Force to levitate the crate of explosives in the air as Wrecker seemed relief from being the one to carry all the grunt work.

">>Thanks, Mari."

I gave a nod in response as we continued to scale down the narrow passageway. We walked on a steep platform for a minute or two until Hunter led us to a trap door that led to the bottom of the chasm.

One by one we slid down through the trap door, me, being careful not to crush my own ankles down the slide as I still managed to levitate the crate in the air.

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