Entry 18

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With a crown perched atop her head, she stood tall, embodying the role of a queen. Her voice rang out with authority as she declared, "Off with their heads!" in a playful decree, expecting 'her' world to bow to her whims with unwavering loyalty.


And bow they would. After all, right now, she was replacing the queen in a story about a wonderland... This time, Shiori wanted the queen to win, just to see how the characters might respond. You look forward from your spot next to her, to see a girl in a blue dress and white apron before her, on her knees, with a card next to her, bringing down an axe...

Not every story needs a happy ending, nor should every story.

"Without villains winning once in a while, we can't appreciate the protagonists winning. Plus, this is interesting in its own way, right?" Shiori asks in a voice only you can hear. "We'll do something different in our next story, too. I hope you're ready."

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