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Soonyoungie: hyung😭

Jeonghanie hyung: why baby what's wrong tell me?

Soonyoungie:  I think I like someone but
I don't know how and why and I'm scared

Jeonghanie hyung: aw my baby it's ok hyung is here I'm gonna help it's okay
It's okay to feel something towards someone don't be stressed

Soonyoungie: idk if they gonna like me back or not...🥺

Jeonghanie hyung: hmm we'll see

Soonyoungie: but hyung you don't even know who's it

Jeonghanie hyung: believe me i do

New Friends•

Kwaniee: hoshi hyung what's wrong???

Hosh: nothing seungkwan I'm okay just wanted to let it out

Hanie: seungkwan

Kwaniee: is that it?

Hanie: hmm

Cheol: hoshi are you okay I'm here too if you need help

Hosh: yes I'm okay don't worry hyung

Josh: you know where I will be
right if u need me?

Hosh: yes hyung❤️‍🩹

Jun: it's weird when you don't come shouting in the gc

The8: ikr it's weird
but I'll help too hoshi hyung just tell
me anything

Mingyuu: yeah who's it hyung do u want help setting u up? Just tell

Hosh: Aw guys thank you
Nd mingyu i really can't tell rn I'm confused too...

Mingyuu: no hyung it's ok

Dino: hyung just be yourself yes?
Btw isn't it weird...

wooZzz: you're weird too dino.

Dino: nono I don't mean anything about hoshi hyung, I'm asking isn't it weird it's only been 2 days nd TRaumabois are besties with us😭 it's just like dream

Jun: says the one met them and took pictures with them 🙄

Dino: jealousy is a decease😌

Vernon: jun hyung do u wanna meet?

Jun: oh WHY NOT??

Wonu: let's meet then??

Hanie: but I'm not free i wanna meet tooo

Josh: yes we have work in student council

Kwaniee: day could go more wrong😭

The8: I have classes too

Dino: me too😭

wooZzz: I hv work too

Dokyeomiee: I'm free I'll go

Jun: me too
I'll drag soonyoung too

Hosh: idk jun

Cheol: bring him I'll treat you something good hoshi come

Hosh: ok

Kwaniee: I can't believe I'm letting go of this opportunity to meet my idols omg😭😭😭😭😭

Hanie: ikr😭

Hanie: but hoshi go and enjoy I'm here don't worry...

Hosh: ok hyung I'll go

Hanie: better

Cheol: better

Josh: they're like the mom
and dad of the gc lmao-

Hanie: what stfu jisoo

Cheol: i mean 😅

Mingyuu: bro is flustered😂

Wonu: jeonghan hyung it's ok
You can come hangout when we'll be back

Mingyuu: right we're best friends now it's okkkkk don't be sad

Hanie: right😌

Josh: absolutely we'll be meeting soon

Dokyeomiee: hoshi hyung we're infront of your dorm open up

Jun: we're ringing the bell why aren't you listening gosh😮‍💨

Hanie: definitely he's taking shower
Both of you just go inside
The code is ****

Jun: woah hyung u know it? Even I don't know it

Hanie: 🤷

Dokyeomiee: he really is taking shower wah... Jeonghanie hyung ...

Josh: his mother instincts are kicking in

Hanie: don't you think it's time for our meeting?

Josh: oh fuxk seungkwan WHERE ARE YOU???

kwaniee: IM COMING


Vernon:  they are late aren't they

Jun: totally

Dokyeomiee: cheol hyung we're on our way

Cheol: waiting~

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