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Mission 🌻🦌•

Dino: jeonghan hyung weren't you the other day telling us some past stories

Hanie: yeah?

Dino: exactly

Hanie: wait... Right why didn't I think of that

Dino: 😁

Kwaniee: wait is it that?

Hosh: no... Hyung you're not going to...

wooZzz: omg...

The8: he's a psychopath...

Jun: gosh I'm scared of him

Hanie: so...

•Fruity boys•

Mingyuu: people are silent whyyyy

Wonu: they got study to do mingyu🤦

Mingyuu: ikkkkk

Vernon: but still I'm used to them blabbering here

Cheol: it's too silent i agree

Josh: no no they all are in classess

Cheol: and you're not Joshua?

Josh: I  was too but one of
my class got cancelled

Cheol: ohhhhhh

Hanie: ayooooo

Josh: bitxh tf you doing here
aren't you in class?

Hanie: I am but where are you didn't saw you from like 2 days?

Josh: I'm bit busy nothing much
I am completing some of my pending notes

Hanie: ohh sounds like something a liar would say but anyways

Josh: bitxh-

Hosh: Joshua hyung someone was looking for you

Josh: huh? Who?

Hosh: they asked me where you are
I said I don't know and they saw jeonghan hyung and ran to him

Josh: who was it Jeonghan?

Seokmin: who was asking for him??

Hanie: oh it's our mutual friend he saw me and came to me after hoshi

Josh: ???

Hanie: bro tf?

Hosh: but I was so stunned bro like y'all tf?😭 Why y'all hv friends Outta my imagination 😭

wooZzz: bro??

Hanie: Kim taehyung

Dino: EHAT

Jun: KIM TAEHYUNG????!"!!""*?


Kwaniee: OMFG YALL😭 TF??

Wonu: taehyung hyung?

Mingyuu: you guys taehyung hyung from BTS?

Vernon: taehyung hyung doing there 🤔

Cheol: what's taehyung doing there, does jungkook know he's looking for jisoo?

Mingyuu: god knows i ain't telling he's gonna combust 😭

wooZzz: jeonghan hyung? Taehyungie hyung came? Why?

Hosh: the way jihoon knows everything thing Jeonghan hyung does or is up his sleeve please

wooZzz: Joshua hyung is it the taehyung, the one who asked you out on high school?


Kwaniee: bruh💀

Dino: no...

Jun: bro's been having popular friends and exes gosh bye😭

The8: bro💀

Hanie: exactly woozi


Josh: it's not like what it seems to be seokmin

Seokmin: you didn't told me anything about it?

Josh: well i thought that wasn't important

Mingyuu: but...

Mission 🌻🦌

Hanie added Mingyuu in the chat

Mingyuu: what's this place for?


Mingyuu: god.. ok

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