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Fruity boys•

Hanie: thank god everything is okay now

Hosh:  I'm still crying our ship sailed😭

Dino: ikr I can't 😭

Kwaniee: it's still overwhelming

The8: if your shipper community knows they're gonna go feral

Jun: frfr

Wonu: I'm feeling much better now

Cheol: obviously you do🤦

Wonu: 😌

Mingyuu: me too😌

Cheol: you do?

Seokmin: you do? 🤔

Mingyuu: these two😤

Hanie: stop teasing him you guys 😂

Mingyuu: 🥺🥺

wooZzz: jeonghan hyung is such a softie 🤨

Hanie: hmm you were the same a month ago🤨

wooZzz: no i wasn't

Hanie: hmm

Hanie: that's him the next day when hoshi finally talked and asked him out🤨

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Hanie: that's him the next day when hoshi finally talked and asked him out

wooZzz: what I saw nothing

Hosh: aw baby😭 you're so cute I can't 😭😭 I'm coming over  fuxk classes

Hanie: uh huh? No go to classes exams are near🤨 than go to your baby?

Hosh: Yes sir🫡

wooZzz: ....

Hanie: you desperate ass don't let him skip classes

wooZzz: whatever

Cheol: I mean-

wooZzz: stfu

Cheol: 😂🖕

Cheol: hoshiiiii~

Hosh: yes hyung

Cheol: let's go out after your classes

Hosh: really!??!?!

Cheol: yup

Hosh: OKAY!!

Josh: did coups just 💀💀

Josh: I just came online and saw
Scoups stealing hoshi from woozi lmao-

Jun: woozi be like 🧍

wooZzz: fuck him🖕

Jun: 💀💀💀

The8: i mean💀 cheol hyung just stole hoshi hyung like that😂

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