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"Uh ahem.. hi seungcheol"

Seungcheol opened the door and saw jeonghan and greeted him back "Oh jeonghan hey... Umm come inside" as jeonghan went inside with some snacks in his hands
"Yeah... Right.."

seungcheol sees the bag of snacks in his hand and took it " oh I'll take it" and  jeonghan gives the bag to seungcheol
"Where are the boys?" Asked jeonghan curiously not seeing anyone in the room
"Oh they went grocery shopping" seungcheol told jeonghan while guiding him to living room
"Huh? Oh... Okay" jeonghan felt a bit awkward and shy
"No one is here yet... I guess it's two of us only haha..." Seungcheol said easing out the awkwardness but it got more awkward

Jeonghan sat on the couch and seungcheol asked
"Ummn so... Anything to Drink? Soda Juice? Maybe beer?"
"Nono no alcohol for now" jeonghan replied
"I'll bring some juice than"
"oh thanks seungcheol" said jeonghan as seungcheol kinda blushed
"Uhmm soo what should we do i don't think anybody's coming anytime soon i guess I came early lmao- " said jeonghan drank a bit of the juice and seungcheol kinda happily said
"Nahh it's okay I was getting bored either way~" Giving a pause to the conversation he said again "Maybe talk about yourself I mean we never got a chance to talk like alone u know what I mean right" jeonghan looks at him and smiles and says
"Yup yup I'm getting you haha"
"Btw there's nothing much about me just an ordinary guy ig you can what u wanna know?" Said jeonghan and seungcheol started to think and asks the most basic question
"Hmm... Umm so you live alone here?"
"Yeah I mean practically yeah.."replied jeonghan
"How about your family?" Seungcheol asked as he  got kinda curious
"Hmm family..." Jeonghan replied with his eyes down and with a dull tone
"Ohh is it a personal question sorry I shouldn't have asked!!" Said seungcheol as he panicked, he thought he asked something really vulnerable
"Nono... it's not like they died or smthg they're well and alive living happily without me..." Said Jeonghan, chuckling and  calming seungcheol down but last lines got him scared a bit again
"wHat? Omg sorry... But if you like won't mind me asking... Why without you??" Said seungcheol carefully not trying to harm jeonghan's feelings

"No not at all haha I think i should tell this to you too as everyone knows already, I mean y'all are part of my family too now...so" As he took a pause a really small one and said " And I'd like YOU to tell all this to babies too can you do that seungcheol?" And suddenly asked seungcheol for a favour
"What me?? Isn't that'll be inappropriate for me to tell?" Seungcheol said kinda feeling some kind of way
"What why no we're family you and i r one u can and besides I don't think I'll be able to tell it twice uk" said jeonghan without thinking that how this effected seungcheol as seungcheol just hummed blushing
"Hmm okay i will try my best"

"So.... Um I have a father, mother and an older sister" said jeonghan as he started to tell his story and seungcheol was listening to him very attentively
"So my father is mostly on business trips and with his affairs going on in and out and my mother, she is mostly in other people's bed and that's what my sister is doing following after my mom's footsteps m, Pretty fucked up right..." As jeonghan looked at seungcheol who was still processing the information.

"Yeah,  I'm the only one with sane mind in my family, seeking happiness anywhere I can cause no matter how much I try i can't get it in my house..." Said jeonghan as he paused for a bit and started telling his story again "Only thing I can see when I go home is darkness" said jeonghan 

"The only thing I did was coming home at night and burying myself in my room."
"When I got into high school I got more lonely. It's not like I didn't had friends l did  it's just they all were snakes, talking behind my  back saying how my mom and sister are whores and i probably am too one, I knew it all but didn't said anything. Well where did they lie? Haha"
Said jeonghan feeling a lot of emotions inside as this bought back a lot of bad memories. And seungcheol can tell he was hurting inside but he needs to get the emotions out so seungcheol didn't said anything to him.

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