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•New Friends•

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•New Friends•

Cheol: oh... So you're a mom of 10 now jeonghan?

Hanie: 😌 proudly yes
My new children have no problems right?

Mingyuu: absolutely not

Wonu: no I'm happy heh

Vernon:  we had a single dad but got mom too now I'm happy

Kwaniee: ....hyu-

Hanie: seungkwan...


Cheol: guess y'all got a new mom

Hanie: what...

Cheol: I mean you're the one adopting them...

Hanie: Aah... Right

Josh: it's awkward wtf 😂

Dokyeomiee: so that means we too got a dad???🤩

Hanie: I mean...

Cheol: yeah jeonghan adopted my children guess I'm gonna adopt y'all too

Dino: woah...😳

The8: not you too scoups hyung...

Hanie: Minghao... Are u sad that I'm yo mom? Do i not feed you? Pick u up? Nd wash yo clothes? This is how u gonna repay me😟

Josh:... U can't cook for shit

Hanie: Minghao... Are u sad that I'm yo mom? Do i not pay for your food? Pick u up? Nd wash yo clothes? This is how u gonna repay me😟

The8: .....ok scoups hyung you're approved...

Hosh: oh... Scoups hyung is our dad
Means expensive giftssss🤩

Cheol: will bring u

Hosh: 🤩

Hanie: hoshi Baby you're here tooo

Hosh: 😁 yes why

Josh: hoshi no

Hosh: I'm ok hyung

wooZzz: hos-

Hosh: I'll be back later bye
Dokyeom come to my dorm

Dokyeomiee: on my way

Hosh went offline
Dokyeomiee went offline

wooZzz: ....

Hanie: I was trying to ease the mood but it's still is heavy af

Josh: gosh...

wooZzz: sorry guys

Dino: no hyung take your time it must be stressful

Hanie: he's right jihoon take your time

Cheol: maybe we can help somehow??

wooZzz: nah it's just ik what going on with him but I'm too tangled up with myself idk how to you know

Josh: it's ok woozi we're here
Seokmin is with him he's definitely gonna take him to ice cream

Jun: I think i should run too I'm gonna pay for his icecream 😔

Kwaniee: I'm coming too hyung
Dino? Let's go?

Dino: let's go seungkwanie

Jun went offline
Kwaniee went offline
Dino went offline

The8: hyung don't worry too much hoshi hyung lo-


The8: but hyu-

Hanie: Go...

The8 went offline

wooZzz: I'm going to the studio to
Bye guys

Vernon: bye woozi hyung take rest

Mingyuu: right don't stress out too much

Wonu: yes

Cheol: please take rest well woozi

Cheol: we should go too guys time to get ready

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