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•Fruity boys•

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Fruity boys•

Kwaniee: what a pretty day today

Hanie: yup thanks coups it was really fun

Cheol: ehh it was fun no worries

Wonu: hanie hyung you're really pretty

Mingyuu: you just noticed?

Wonu: I mean we hung out 2nd time but like today he sat next to me he was looking really pretty i even took a pic and he didn't even noticed 😭🤚

Wonu: I mean we hung out 2nd time but like today he sat next to me he was looking really pretty i even took a pic and he didn't even noticed 😭🤚

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Wonu: idk but like I'm glad I took it

Cheol: wow...

Mingyuu: can't deny hanie hyung's prettiness cheolie hyung???


Dino: well I loved the food Mingyu hyung made😭

Hosh: frfr it's was tasty af bro

Dino: hyung I'm gonna come again😭

Cheol: you're welcome whenever dino no one's gonna stop you

Dino: ay😭

Vernon: jeonghan hyung you really give of mother vibe u know

The8: he knows it well that's why claims to be too 😂

Hanie: well 🤷

Jun: I was wondering why were you wearing 70k watch on your home coups hyung😭

Cheol: 😂

Mingyuu: bro's richer than you think

Wonu: weird sh!t he pulls sometimes 😂

Vernon: 😂😂

wooZzz: way to show off bitch coup

Cheol: you're just jealous

wooZzz: yeah wtv

Seokmin: y'all had fun?

Hosh: yeah?🤷

Seokmin: aw cool🥺

Kwaniee: well

Hanie: so

Josh: han can u not ignore him
he's sad

Hanie: I'm not ignoring anyone

Seokmin: yeah it's ok hyung i get it you're sad but you know

Josh: we were going to tell y'all

Hanie: but I knew it first so 🤷

Josh: he  cried today jeonghan

Jeonghan: .....

Hanie went offline

Hosh: it's ok seokmin we're not mad

Seokmin: you sure?

Kwaniee: yeah hyung we were just playing around we knew u two were together

Dino: it's just we were waiting when you'll be telling us

Seokmin: y'all knew?

Josh: I had a feeling y'all
knew you guys seokmin cried
He thought y'all mad af at him

Seokmin: hyung stop i didn't cried that much

Cheol: i don't think any of them were mad
They were missing you both when we're hanging out you know so seokmin chill out buddy

Seokmin: but he went offline...

Seokmin: wait someone's at the door

Mingyuu: betting it's jeonghan hyung

The8: well he can't see one of his baby cry obviously

wooZzz: bro's literally a wizard istg

Seokmin: you guys jeonghan hyung brought me my favourite cake and snacks bye I'm gonna eat heh

Josh: gosh....

Hosh: making him happy isn't tough

Dino: bro just need some snacks😂

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