🥭 December 🥭

72 3 1

( My pooks pipicacaland Requested this-)

Tweek - 14
Craig- 14


*+Tweeks pov+*

"I was trying once to brush my hair even tho the brush kept getting stuck.I was able to get it somewhat brushed before reaching for my green sweater Craig had bought me,But it wasn't there.I started to look everywhere until my mom told me it was in the wash,I sighed realizing nothing else would work for my outfit so i walked down to craigs house silently waiting for craig to walk out.His dad doesn't very like me but buys yaoi from the Asian girls it's odd.I smiled noticing craig walking out of his house before looking at me."


T- " W-well it was dirty and agh nothing else would fit with this o-outfit so I didn't grab o-one.?"

C~ " Omg-."

"I watched as Craig took off his backpack taking off his sweater throwing it at me."

C~ " Wear it honey please -."

T- " But AGH what about y-you!"

C ~ " I said wear it.".

T- "Fine.."

" I slid on his sweater before gripping onto his hand as we made our way to the school he was talking about how stripe did a new trick or something I just giggled before we reached the school I was prepared to give him back the sweater."

C~ " keep it."

T~ " but Agh c-craig!"

C~ "It's fine hun, it's December and you actually need it."

T~ "But!? You!!"

C ~ " I have spares in my locker don't worry!"

"I bent down kissing him on the forehead (TALL TWEEK SUPREMACY) before i started my way to class craig still talking about stripe until I step into my classroom getting ready for are history test,Cylde and Tolkien kept pointing at the sweater and talking to be honest it was funny seeing cyldes face after he realized whos it was."


Word court 327!! This is short but it was easy because I still have school today-.

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