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( IM BEEFIN WITH MY AI BOTS AND THEY REFUSE TO DO LABOR AND WRITE ME THIS SO IMA DO IT,aka i wrote this in google docs on my school laptop and idk if they saw it Samantha_Jones24-)mention a user

Cylde- 17 SAME AGE!?)

I was sitting in my room watching the school's basketball game that I had to miss because I was sick. I kept screaming and jumping around because our team was winning! Soon my phone rang and I saw it was from Tolkien."

T~" Bro! Heidi's having a party, you wanna go with me?"

C- "Sure!."

T~ "Cool!"

"The beeping of the phone ending rang in my ears"

"I blushed realizing he asked me and not his girlfriend to go to the party i was smiling like a little kid i immediately got ready sat down and painted my nails dark black for a statement. You could say. I Got my bag running outside waving bye to my dad. I waited outside for Tolkien's car to pull up it was a flashy black sports car. I sat down in the passenger seat he was gleaming. He looked so cute! I mean Nichole was cute but she was not for him they were so different but so close. He smoked and vaped while she was a church girl. He would stay out until 2 am and she would be in bed at quarter to 9. It was so annoying seeing him rant about how she took away his cigarettes or hid his vape because she just wanted to fix him. I just smiled at her as he kept ranting until we reached Heidi's."

H| "Heyy" "She said smiling red was attached to her by her waist trying to drag her back inside."

T~" HeyHeidii."

"Red let out a muffled hi, me and Tolkien both said hi to her before he dragged me into the house. He held my hand! I was blushing somewhat as he kept dragging me until we made it to Heidi's kitchen he immediately reached for a bottle of scotch letting go of my hand I stayed quiet grabbing myself a beer from one of the casings. He just kept chugging the scotch until I saw a familiar face, Nichole. He was never one to go to parties so she just must be here for the thrill or to try and ask people to come to her weekly bible study as long as she didn't disturb me and Tolkien I was fine."

T~ "This shit is fucking cheap I barely feel anything!"

C- "Maybe because you chugged it all and your body needs a bit to process it?"

T~ "Maybe I knew I should have brought my own. Mine would have already had me blackout drunk on the ground"

"I chuckled sipping the warm beer before gagging. It was fuckin gross I never thought I would gag over a can of beer but today was the day I guess. I saw Nichole walking up to us i stood there as Tolkien noticed her.."

N/"Tolkien baby you said that you were gonna stop drinking, you were gonna find the lord and not come to this party?"

T~ "Well why are you here?."

C- "Oh no.".

"I knew that they were probably going to start arguing which meant I would have to confront a crying Tolkien maybe crying drunk Tolkien later and did I want that not in the slightest? But just as I suspected she started to scream crying and he started screaming about how she couldn't control him and more everyone stopped dancing staying quiet to listen to the fight. Nichole wiped the mascara off her eyes and left. Someone chased after her but I couldn't tell who, One of the girls maybe, or maybe Kyle who knows. But the music started up again and everyone started dancing."

T~ "Im fuckin screwed shes gonna tell my pareents that I got drunk ar some dumb party then im gonna bee fuakin grounded!."

C- " Maybe she won't.!"

"I could hear that the scotch finally hit him he was slurring words but he didn't look like he was gonna cry this time he looked straight into my eyes just staring."

C- " Dude you okay?"

T~" You are so much better than Nichole."

"I stood there shocked until he pulled me into a kiss I was shocked my face bright red before I noticed out of the corner of my eye Wendy standing there shocked and confused-She sped out of the kitchen probably to tell Bebe this but as I cleared my thoughts Tolkien had stopped kissing me and just kept making straight eye contact. I just stood there."

T~ " And you such a better kissser than her...-I think I love you"

C- "You're just drunk Tolkien-.."

"And as I said that I felt myself getting picked up and carried it was Tolkien I wa just staying quiet everyone we were passing just looked or thought I was too drunk to walk until we made it into his car. I was silently panicking as he laid me down into my seat."

T~ " Do you want this."

" I sat there blushing his voice caught me off guard but I nodded slightly still a blushing mess as he climbed on top of me shutting me into the car, He pulled down my shirt biting onto my neck I let out tiny moans feeling his teeth graze my neck he kept biting leaving hickeys around my neck my skin was covered in hickeys he was smiling at me"

T~" Are you sure you want this~? I need words this time."

C- " Y-yes..-"

T~ "Good boy~!"

" He guided his hands up my hips sliding off my shirt throwing it under us, Sliding off my belt buckle putting it under the seat unbuttoning my pants."

T- "Are you sure you want this?"

"I couldn't tell if he was still drunk or sober...But I still agreed even if it was for this night I wanted him."

C- " Fuck yes.."

" He slipped off his pants biting down on my hips as I let out a soft moan as he rubbed my inner thighs. I sat there enjoying all of it."

T~ " Do you want prep?."

C- "y-y-No."

T~ " You sure"

"I nodded my head one last time before I felt the warmth of the car heat hit the tip of my cock. I let out a soft moan as he kept smiling at me."

T~ " You look so cute baby boy~."

C- "Mmmm No more waiting."

"As soon as I mumbled those words I felt Tolkien enter me i became a moaning mess moaning each time he pumped into me, my body was moving up and down on the seat as I kept letting out moans. He kept smiling as he kept slamming."

T~ "You feel so nice baby~"

C- " R-right there."

" I felt him hit my prostate sending me into straight moans as I felt him still slamming on it tears welled in my eyes ready to come down to my cheeks as I kept moaning I felt the car shaking until he slowed down feeling him cum deep into me. I cummed across myself until I noticed someone out the corner of my eye looking into the car window."


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